Bill Maher Ridiculed the Mainstream Media for Misleading COVID-19 Coverage

HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” this September… and did something rarely heard of on late-night shows. He ridiculed the mainstream media for misleading COVID-19 coverage and the woke leftists for buying into it.

The mainstream media has been feeding us garbage. They brainwash people, manipulate the truth, and use their influence to get us to think a certain way. We’ve seen how:

Now, the media continues to use their power to scare Americans… and provide unreliable information about COVID-19.

Maher cited a survey in the New York Times during his interview with Kimmel. “The question was, ‘What do you think [are] the chances that you would have to go to the hospital if you got COVID?’ And Democrats thought that was way higher than Republicans.” 

Then he continued, “The answer is between 1% and 5%.” 

It shouldn’t be that much, but the dems and the media thought it was higher.

  • 40% of dems thought it was over 50%
  • Another 28% of dems thought it was 20% to 49%
  • 70% of dems thought it was way higher than it really was

A huge chunk of dems are wildly off on this crucial question. They have an exceptionally “exaggerated” view of the danger of COVID… and the mortality rate among children. This also explains why the states with the highest share of schools with the most mandates are all blue states…

Maher criticized the mainstream media for this gross misconception among dems. He said, “Liberal media has to take a little responsibility for that. For scaring the sh*t out of people.” 

Then he added, “The reason why I’m bringing this up is because it’s much harder for every touring act to sell tickets in blue states. They’re afraid to get out of the house. In red states, it’s all good to go.”

Maher also assured potential attendees of his stand-up comedy tour that things would be safe. Social distancing and masking rules would be in place…

Kimmel, who has repeatedly bashed red states for not having as strict COVID measures and lockdowns… pointed out to Maher that he caught the virus. 

Maher snarked back and said, “I know you and your boyfriend, Howard Stern —  are very paranoid about this. It’s a little weird that I got it after, but many, many, many people have had the same situation.

The HBO host added, “I got it [COVID] after I was vaccinated … and had no symptoms, that’s maybe because I was vaccinated. The bottom line is we know, if you’re vaccinated, you almost never die from it.”

It’s nice to see Bill Maher go into the controversial topic– of the mainstream media being so unreliable these days. He was calling out the bias in blue states and the media like a true professional. Not everyone can do that…

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9 Thoughts to “Bill Maher Ridiculed the Mainstream Media for Misleading COVID-19 Coverage”

  1. Jean-Pierre Caron

    So well said, stay away from the corrupt mainstream media!!!!!

  2. Richard


  3. Julio Cesar

    It is about time the media gets called out by a person like Maher as they don’t listen to anybody. Every news from the left media is twisted and lazed with lies and e agitations.

  4. Robert

    I live in ny. People here are scared of everything. So they are easily manipulated. I wish I could move to a red state but my whole family is here, so I have to grin and bare it…!good for you bill Maher for calling out the media and those controlling dems.

  5. NancyJ

    It would save millions and millions of dollars to just have family doctors issue a prescription for tetrachloroquin for family members age 10 and over.
    When a person started feeling ill all that would be needed would a course of the drug for the next week.
    Probably would eliminate a huge chunk of the national debt too.
    Only people hurt would be the stockholders in Phyzer, Johnson and Johnson, etc.

  6. carol exposito

    The truth is Covid-19 was a very convenient tool for the Un-Democratic election of the worst president ever to sit in the Oval Office. With this compromised man afraid to upset his son’s corrupt business deals with the CCP, we have a full-grown monster, Xi, threatening Taiwan and telling the American president he better not interfere or our troops will be fired upon. What else could go wrong???

  7. carol exposito

    Covid-19 was a very convenient way to elect an Un-Democratic president who ever sat in the Oval Office. He is so compromised by corruption that he can’t stand up to the ever-growing menace of China, who is saber-rattling at the gates of Taiwan and defiantly dare America to intervene and Xi promises to fire on our troops!!! What else can possibly go wrong?

  8. John Scibetta

    Don’t blame me I voted for trump

  9. james henry james

    It is just one of many Democrat ideas to steal money! Here in Washington Jay Inslee claims everything is climate change when it is him cloud seeding and causing the flooding! If a Democrat is talking they are lying! That is an undeniable fact! I feel sorry for the brainwashed that swallow their crap!

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