The Biden Administration Has Ruined Our Labor Economy

The Biden administration continues to mismanage our labor economy. It’s gone from bad to worse over the last several months…

A few months ago, we saw how Biden’s unemployment bonus destroyed our country’s work ethic… and how it bred lazy Americans. 

We’ve also seen how the administration forcibly implemented their vaccine mandates on Big Tech employees, healthcare workers, and military veterans

Now we’re seeing the effects of their actions on America. Let’s go, Brandon! 

This December, corporate layoffs are falling to their lowest in almost 30 years… as the US job market bounces back from the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to Challenger Gary & Christmas outplacement firm, the number of announced job cuts during the last week of November fell to 14,857. That’s the lowest figure since May 1993!

The company’s senior vice president Andrew Challenger shared his thoughts. He said, “It’s no surprise job cuts are at record lows. Employers are spread thin, planning best- and worst-case scenarios in terms of COVID… while also contending with staff shortages and high demand.”

At first glance, having low corporate layoffs may seem like good news. But the truth is, it’s the exact opposite.

Yes, layoffs are down. But what the media would never tell us directly is… the majority of the workforce never came back to be laid off. Biden’s economy is still an unmitigated disaster!

The Labor Department said there were 11 million job openings in the past few months. Is this a sign that the workforce could become wildly out of balance?

How America Works host Mike Rowe shared his thoughts on this matter. He said, “This is not just an economic problem. It’s not just a transactional problem that affects employers and employees. This is a matter of national security. I think 11 million open positions says something fundamental about our country… and our relationship with work.”

Then he added, “There are industries fundamentally under attack: oil, fossil fuels, lumber, salt, and steel. These are hugely important to us. Every single one of those industries right now… [has] never before [seen] the recruiting crisis so keen.”

There’s a big chance that the reason why there are so many vacant jobs right now is that… Biden spoiled Americans with his unemployment benefits.

Another thing that’s causing chaos in the labor economy is that… most companies were required to fire unvaccinated employees. Right now, workers who want to keep their livelihood are forced to choose between a jab and a job.

During President Trump’s time, the labor force was doing a lot better. According to

  • Paychecks grew faster than inflation
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation
  • After-tax corporate profits went up
  • The stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%

The numbers are now speaking for themselves… especially if we’re going to compare President Trump and Biden’s performance on our labor economy. 

As the demo-rat still sits in the White House, we’re beginning to see clear as day that Biden is not the leader that our country needs right now…

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