Afghanistan Crumbles Under Taliban Takeover

American forces have withdrawn from Afghanistan, after two decades of military occupation.

Since Biden announced that he was putting an end to the ‘forever war’, the Taliban have been making moves to reclaim the country. 

Taliban forces have been moving quickly in response; retaliating by seizing previously occupied strongholds, military weapons, and vehicles. They just recently took over Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, and now control roughly 65% of the country.

This abrupt withdrawal by the US military will only further fuel aggressive actions from the Taliban, who are capitalizing on the Afghan troops’ hasty attempts to maintain security. 

This insurgence is nothing new, we’ve seen similar situations in military history when we pulled out of Vietnam, or more recently with Iraq and the reemergence of ISIS.  

So far, Biden does not regret his decision and has stood his ground on the matter, saying “Afghan leaders have to come together… They’ve got to fight for themselves, fight for their nation.” 

In a press conference Biden gave after announcing that he would be pulling all US troops from Afghanistan, he argued that our American resources would be better focused in other places and that after two decades of war and over $1 trillion spent, if there was something to be done, we would have achieved results already. 

With the likelihood of a civil war outbreak and a crumbling government, Afghanistan is not in a position to defend itself against the movements of the Taliban. Members of Congress are still arguing that the US must do more to prevent this, but all Biden sees is an indefinite US military presence on the ground leading nowhere.  

Evacuation flights have begun, and Afghan citizens are desperate to escape by any means necessary… At the same time, the US is scrambling to evacuate American diplomats or any Americans who are currently living there.  

As of right now, officials have stated they are prepared to take more than 20,000 afghans who qualify for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) to US bases, “our military embrace the opportunity to recognize their contributions to combined operations in Afghanistan by welcoming them to the US” said the Pentagon’s director for Defense intelligence, Garry Reid.  

This past Friday, Biden gave an address and took some press questions regarding the evacuation in Afghan and the frustrations and anger in the media with the way it’s been handled. 

He warned that this frantic effort to fly Americans, other foreigners, and Afghan allies out of Taliban-occupied Kabul was dangerous… and the media coverage of the evacuation procedures has proven to show tragedy.

The photos and footage of thousands of desperate Afghans flooding the Kabul airport have plagued the media for the last few days, sparking concern over the US military’s capability to evacuate all the Americans still there. 

This past Monday, five people were killed, and the US Military decided to temporarily suspend flights so that they could clear the airfield. 

Biden stated in an address regarding the evacuation of Afghan “there’ll be plenty of time to criticize and second-guess when this operation is over, but now I’m focused on getting this job done.”

Aside from acknowledging the concerns over why there wasn’t an earlier evacuation, Biden also pledged that “Any American who wants to come – we will get you home.”

Despite his heroic words, it’s no surprise that the evacuation procedures are a nightmare. Biden’s claims to get Americans home safely are just that – claims.

The State Department has reported “congestion” around the airport, and reports of Americans who are unable to get there. In a message to Americans who are trying to get to the airport for the evacuation procedures, they stated “ The United States government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport.” 

Additionally, they’ve given guidance to them to “use their best judgment getting to the airport.” These messages and notices don’t exactly sound like safe and assured travel…

And now it’s a waiting game to watch the aftermath of the Afghan war and Taliban takeover unfold… 

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4 Thoughts to “Afghanistan Crumbles Under Taliban Takeover”

  1. Juanita Coffelt

    This whole Biden Harris administration needs to be removed. None of them have any idea of how to run a government. All they know how to do is spend our tax dollars, like and turn our beloved nation into a communist nation. We are the laughingstock of the world. Who is running the White house? Why are Republicans sitting there and doing nothing to impeach this administration? Every one of these Republicans should be voted out along with the Democrats. It is a shame that Biden is bringing thousands of Afghans here and leaving thousands of Americans there to face torture and death. DRAIN THE SWAMP of ALL the SWAMP CREATURES!!!

  2. Meme

    I’ll never be POTUS or Joints Chief of Staff , but even O would think getting civilians and military familes out before the enforcement of law and order. Democrats spend your tax dollars or donations on private security but defund your police and remove your military leaving Americans unprotected against terrorists.

  3. Benny

    The stupidest things I have ever heard!!! Biden leaving billions of dollars of weapons and aircraft that will be used against us in Afganistan!!! Also, leaving Americans and allies behind that will be murdered or used as hostages!!! Forget his resignation or impeachment; there must be an immediate court marshall and sentenceing!!!

  4. Ger

    Way to go Joe. I see your consistent. May you get your just reward.

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