America Don’t Need Someone Like Maxine Waters

Rep. Maxine Waters is one of the dems seated in power who cannot be trusted. We remember the demo-rat as one of the leftists who sponsored the bill to destroy President Trump’s Space Force.

This year, Waters continues to do her work with little to no integrity. Here’s what the demo-rat is up to right now:

Told the Homeless to Go Home

A few months ago, Waters had a heated argument with a crowd of homeless people in South Los Angeles. They were looking for Section 9 vouchers due to a mistake in social media posts.

Hundreds of people showed up at the event under the mistaken impression that permanent and subsidized housing vouchers would be distributed. Waters only told them to “go home.”

A person from the crowd replied, “We don’t got no home. That’s why we’re here. What home [are] we going to go to?”

Then, Waters disrespectfully said, “Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f*****g harder than I do. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.”

Paid Daughter Campaign Cash Since 2003

Last April, it was reported that Waters paid her daughter – Karen Waters – another $24,000 in campaign cash during the most recent quarter.

Karen Waters’ company – Progressive Connections – has received more than $1.2 million since 2003. While it’s legal for lawmakers to employ family members on campaigns… the practice is generally spritzed upon by ethical experts.

It’s hard to believe that poor people are tricked into voting for these politicians. Waters hasn’t done anything relevant for the district she represents, yet she has already raked millions.

It would be better if she could use all this accumulated cash to help the homeless people in her vicinity instead…

Used KKK Tactics to Intimidate Chauvin Jury

Atty. Alan Dershowitz compared Water’s statements during the Derek Chauvin trial… to the tactics used by the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate jury pools.

Dershowitz said on Newsmax, “Her message was intended to get to the jury. If you acquit or you find the charge anything less than murder, we will burn down your buildings; we will burn down your businesses, we will attack you.’” 

Then he added, “It’s borrowed precisely from the Ku Klux Klan of the 1930s and 1920s when the Klan would march outside of courthouses and threaten all kinds of appraisals.”

Dershowitz did great in exposing Water’s dirty tricks in the trial. That’s exactly what we can expect from the attorney who represented President Trump during his first impeachment trial.

Called Gov. Ivey a Racist

Last month, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey made a 30-second ad campaign. She warned America that “we’re all going to have to learn Spanish” if President Biden keeps “shipping illegal immigrants into our states.” 

Waters wasn’t happy because what Gov. Kay said was spot on truth. The demo-rat called the entire campaign racist to make Ivey look bad. She said, “This is plain racist ignorance in your face. And so, when you talk about responding, it’s more like ignoring and keeping up the fight against racism and discrimination and making sure that we do everything we can to get those who are elected out of the office and elect progressive people.”

But Gov. Ivey fired back at Waters on Twitter… telling them that she’s just telling the truth.

Waters is currently taking a break from being a disastrous dem leader. She is in isolation after testing positive for Covid-19 last April 27th. Reports say that she only needs to rest and go into isolation.

How is it that this deadly virus required mandates and lockdowns? Is it never severe, life-threatening, or a danger to others when it infects a politician? A positive Covid-19 test is probably the dem’s excuse to take the week off. She’s probably taking a break like what Psaki did the last time.

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