Big Pharma: Continues to Profit from Opioid Deaths

Ever wondered how the opioid crisis got so bad? With almost half a million deaths, and an annual cost of over $80 Billion for taxpayers like you and me, every American NEEDS to understand the opioid crisis, how Big Pharma caused it – and how much money they’re making from it… Opioid abuse, from heroin to opium, may be older than America… but there’s no doubt that the problem’s gotten much worse in the last few years, with the number of addicts racking up quickly… all thanks to Big Pharma.…

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CIA: Why They Can’t Be Trusted

The CIA has its eyes and ears everywhere, so it’s no surprise that they feel the need to be involved in everyone’s business, including yours… We know the CIA’s underhanded deals are nothing new; each time they are exposed results in another unsurprising disappointment… a shock for those naive enough to still trust them. Here’s one they don’t want to tell you about… MK-ULTRA, the still-classified, drug-powered scheme to control everything about American lives… Modern politics have become a playground for the rapidly changing opinions of the partisan elites, and…

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HISTORY: Democrat Mob Ties Revealed at Last

Who really killed JFK?  We may never know the full story, but President Trump did everything he could to get the facts out there – while the liberal media ignored him. Here’s how Trump unlocked the secret JFK files… and the horrific dem-mafia ties they showed: With President Trump having pledged to release every secret file on the JFK assassination by October this year, it’s no surprise that more and more facts are being revealed… But the content of those files is still shocking… including the PROOF that the CIA…

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Biden’s Deals: Gulf State Slavers

What’s worse than making someone spend their entire life as a slave?  It’s hard to think of any answer. But according to Joe Biden and the rest of the dems, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with countries ruining countless lives through slavery. Here’s an exclusive expose on Biden’s billion-dollar deals with slave states: Imagine this. You’re living in a country where there’s practically no jobs available anywhere. One day, someone gives you the opportunity of a lifetime. You can go overseas, work a job with  unbelievably good pay… all it takes…

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It’s still maybe the biggest set of questions in American history… Did Lee Harvey Oswald really shoot JFK? Did he act alone? And was he really a communist, or was the whole thing a cover story? Here’s what we really know about what happened – and why the questions still haven’t been definitively answered over 50 years later. There’s a reason over 60% of Americans believe that the official story about the JFK assassination isn’t totally true.  It’s because the story’s so bizarre, so wrapped up with missing information and…

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