Why Trump Condemned McConnell

Do you trust Mitch McConnell to do the right thing for America? President Trump doesn’t. Just days ago, Trump explained exactly why Mitch McConnell is leading the Republican Party into chaos… As the current senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell is one of the single most important figures in the modern Republican party… So why is he so against everything that Donald Trump, by far the most successful Republican in recent memory, stands for? President Trump has had to deal with 4 years of betrayal from people like McConnell. people who…

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1 Month In – Biden’s Failures Mounting

It’s now been a full month since Joe Biden took office, and, “shockingly”, he’s done barely anything to fulfill the promises he made to his voters. Instead of any real action, the Biden team has just been living in the past… Wasting time with pointless complaints about President Trump, while refusing to do anything about the very real problems facing average Americans today. Right up until the day of the Georgia senate runoffs, Joe Biden and the rest of the dems had two relatively clear messages:  1 – They weren’t…

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Why Republicans Shouldn’t Trust Jeff Bezos

Self-made billionaire or dangerous fraud? The fact is, Jeff Bezos is very different from what the mainstream media tells you about him… Here’s why it isn’t just liberals who should be against Bezos. Founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos was once the richest man in the world, advertised across the mainstream media as a ‘self-made billionaire’, as an example of big business done right. The liberal media took that to a whole new level as Bezos publicly feuded with President Trump. They decided they needed a billionaire on ‘their side’ when…

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The Real Reason for the Texas Blackout

With Texas still almost completely blacked out and freezing, the questions are mounting quickly. And so are the excuses… Here’s what really caused the Texas blackouts – and why the media won’t tell you the truth. It’s been days since power blackouts started across Texas, leaving millions in the Lone Star state stranded without power or heating in one of the coldest periods on record… People want answers… how could something like this happen in a great state like Texas, let alone any part of the USA? Unfortunately, all they’re…

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Biden Team Already Profiting from Arms Deals

Less than a month into his term in office, Biden’s top team are already turning major profits from his decisions.  We’ve already told you about the millions Nancy Pelosi ‘coincidentally’ made from investing in electric cars… But with Biden’s top assistants collecting major paychecks from arms deals, the situation is far worse. Just days ago, the Biden administration approved their first major international arms deals, planning to send over $200 million in weapons to various countries around the world. One of those countries was Chile, where arms dealers Raytheon just…

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