They’re Trying to Stop Trump From Helping You

What’s $600 worth when you’ve been forced out of work for months? According to the dems and their Covid ‘relief’ bill, that’s all you’re worth – infinitely less than any of their corporate allies picked up. President Trump knows you’re worth more than that, and he’s desperately working to give it to you – no matter who tries to stop him.  Just a few weeks after callously rejecting President Trump’s pre-election stimulus plan, dems have finally agreed to stop holding the country hostage, to pass a stimulus bill and help…

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Instagram Doesn’t Want You to Know About Biden’s Past

Dems want to pretend that Joe Biden is a good man, and they won’t stop at anything until you believe it too. The thing is, Biden’s past shows exactly how false that is. It shows exactly who he really is – that’s why they’re trying to hide it.  Very recently, social media platform Instagram decided to censor a post talking about one of Biden’s most horrific actions, falsely labeling the post as “false information”. Leading up to the election, social media sites decided to start “fact-checking” posts, claiming that this…

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California WILL Go Red Again

Is California a lost cause? Dems want you to think so, want you to believe that the Golden State will always vote Democrat. The truth is completely different. California will vote Republican again – maybe even in 2024. Here’s the reality that terrifies liberals: If you ask anyone on the street to name a dem-voting state, it’s going to be California or New York 9 times out of 10.  According to the official records, Cali hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1988 – and with the swing gradually increasing across…

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Israeli Security Chief: Aliens Exist, Trump Met Them

Do aliens exist? It’s still one of the biggest open questions for freethinkers everywhere… According to Israel’s former space security chief, Haim Eshed, there’s an answer – not only do aliens exist, but we’ve been working with them for years. That’s not all that Eshed has said… he’s claimed that President Trump is one of the only people to know the full truth about aliens. In a shocking interview, Eshed claimed that we’ve been in contact with a ‘Galactic Federation’ for decades, working alongside them on some completely secret projects…

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The Ultimate Conservative Christmas Movies

In the mood for Christmas movies, but want to avoid the liberal indoctrination?  You’re not alone. While modern Hollywood only produces Christmas movies when they can be warped into having a liberal message, in the past, things were very different… We’ve picked out some classic Christmas films from the past, giving you a perfect lineup for the next couple of weeks. But first, what makes a Christmas movie conservative?  Some liberals might imagine that every conservative film is more or less the same… that it’s all about the message. That’s…

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