Biden Punishes China Over Human Rights Abuses

China is facing scrutiny for human rights issues because of “forced labor” allegations against them. Biden signed into law a bill that aims to punish China for abuses on ethnic and religious minorities in the Xinjiang region.

The dems Take Advantage of the Chaos in China

There’s a big chance that the administration is using this situation to cover up their failures in the White House… 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki promised to focus on this matter at hand.

The demo-rat said, “The Administration will work closely with Congress to implement this bill to ensure global supply chains are free of forced labor, while simultaneously working to on-shore and third-shore key supply chains, including semiconductors and clean energy.” 

US Secretary Antony Blinken was one of the first dems to announce when the bill was officially signed.

“When I met with Uyghur internment camp survivors, family members, and advocates earlier this year, I promised to promote accountability. Today, POTUS signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, underscoring our commitment to combat forced labor,” Blinken said.

Psaki and Blinken may sound diplomatic, but they can’t fool us any longer. They’re just hypocrites like every other liberal out there…

Biden signed a law banning all imports from Xinjiang. The law prohibits the import of all goods from the region… unless companies offer proof that the production did not involve forced labor.

The US is the first country to ban all imports from the region. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act targets three products:

  • Cotton – of which Xinjiang is one of the world’s major producers
  • Tomatoes
  • Polysilicon – which is a material used to produce solar panels

The US State Department said in a statement that the law gives the government new tools to “prevent goods made from forced labor from entering US markets.” It will further promote “accountability for persons and entities” responsible for these abuses.

Aside from the import ban, the administration has also announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics. 

The dems’ Hypocrisy

Biden loves to meddle with other country’s problems… and forgets the important problems happening on America’s own soil. Remember how he interfered with Russia’s border issues, but still failed to give attention to our immigration problem?

Hypocrisy is at its finest right now…

This time, the dems keep pointing out the “forced labor” in Xinjiang and how it affects human rights.

But let’s not forget about the administration’s “forced vaccines mandates” on pregnant women, children, veterans, and healthcare workers. That is one form of human rights abuse that the mainstream media is still overlooking.

The question is, when will Biden sign a bill to sanction himself over the human rights abuses he has committed so far?

Biden and all the other dems included in this meaningless farce deserve to be punished…

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