Biden Pushes His Booster Shots Too Far

Vaccines / Shannon Fesuluai / Flickr / April 25, 2019 / CC BY 2.0 /

With the Omicron variant spreading worldwide… Biden said he’s not considering any widespread US lockdown similar to last year.

Instead, he wants Americans to take booster shots… as he tells everyone that it’s the best and only option for us to survive. 

The demo-rat is taking advantage of the situation. He wants to inject their new dangerous chemical into our bodies now that there’s a new variant. This makes our patriots even sicker of the dem’s politically motivated science.

“This variant is a cause for concern, not a cause for panic. The best protection against any variant out there… is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot,” Biden said during a press.

Biden Uses Fear to Get Americans Boosted

Then he added, “It’s here now [Omicron]. It’s spreading. It’s going to increase. For the unvaccinated… we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death… if you’re unvaccinated. For themselves, their families, and hospitals they’ll soon be overwhelmed.”

The demo-rat also made some statements about the booster. He made another futile effort for people to trust their science. Biden mentioned:

  • If you have your booster shot… then you’re protected from severe illness and death
  • Booster shots work
  • Booster shots are free, safe, and convenient

Then he ended his statement in the press as he tells everyone to “move”… even if he’s not that good at taking action.

He said with utmost hypocrisy, “The only real protection is to get your shots. So move now, move now.”

The White House is working with vaccine manufacturers to develop boosters against Omicron. Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer says that the Omicron vaccine will get ready in a few months…

The dems Implemented Protocols for Travel Restrictions

Meanwhile, the CDC stresses that people ages 18 and older should get a booster. This protocol also became a travel restriction for several South African countries. The administration decides to bar foreign visitors to the US… but not American citizens trying to get home 

Biden is so fast in banning travel restrictions… but he never took action to move and manage our border and immigration crisis.

There’s a big chance that the demo-rat’s swift action probably has some hidden agenda in it. Let’s go, Brandon!

Biden’s fast decision in restricting travel to South African countries triggered some officials to respond…

South Africa’s Health Minister Joe Phaahla says the new restrictive measures on their country are “unjustified.”

“That’s why I was saying that the reaction of some of the countries in terms of imposing travel bans and such measures… are completely against the norms and standards… as guided by the World Health Organisation,” says Phaahla.

Then he added, “Many of the countries which have come with this kind of draconian reaction are themselves battling with the fourth wave.”

Unsurprisingly, the dems are willing to implement all their forceful mandates and travel restrictions… for their political agenda and science. 

The administration proceeds with their next steps to push the booster shots…

The Biden Administration’s COVID-⁠19 Winter Plan

Biden also shared the liberal’s key actions to implement this season. He announced his Winter Plan this December… which are the administration’s goals for:

  • Expanding the nationwide booster shots to 100 million Americans
  • Launching family vaccination clinics
  • Making free at-home tests more available
  • Increasing medical team… because now they’re short on personnel after the mandates to health workers
  • Accelerating their efforts to vaccinate the rest of the world

The dems are now putting their dangerous chemicals to us forcefully. That’s why the Senate passed a bill a few weeks ago to put a halt to Biden’s forceful mandates.

There’s still no telling what could happen next on the dem’s booster shots. The best thing we can do is spread awareness and support our patriot leaders who will face the twisted administration head-on…

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