One Year Later, The Jan 6 Capitol Attack Still Haunts America

Rioters outside the US Capitol building holding US flags and “Make America Great Again” flags / Tyler Merbler from USA, CC BY 2.0

This week marks the 1 year anniversary of the fateful January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The attack followed the results of the 2020 presidential election, where dem Joe Biden “won” over our former President Donald Trump. 

But the attack was the result of exactly that, the controversy surrounding the dems’ win of the white house – and its legitimacy. 

In a recent poll done by Axios-Momentive poll, a majority of Americans have said that they are expecting a repeat of last year’s attack in the following years of Biden’s presidency, with only half saying that they still have faith in our nation’s democracy. 

Additionally, the percentage of people who believed that Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election has declined within the last year, according to the poll results. 

Some other statistics that came from the poll include: 

  • 63% of pollers say that the Jan. 6 attack has changed how Americans think about the nation’s democracy. Half said that this change was permanent, while the other half believed them to be temporary.
  • 58% of voters support the House’s Jan 6 Select Committee’s work, however those numbers are divided politically; 88% of the support is from democrats, 58% is independent, and only 32% is Republican.
  • About 57% of Americans (including half of the republicans polled and 7 out of 10 democrats) said that they fear a repeat of the similar events to the Jan 6 attack in the following years. 

The poll also included other findings related to voter fraud and the people’s opinions on the state of this country’s democracy. 

37% of people surveyed said they have lost faith in American democracy, while 10% said they never had faith, and 49% said they still do. 

It was also noticed that Republicans were three to four times more likely than the Dems to believe voter fraud to be a problem in their states. 

As the anniversary of the attack falls upon us, the Capitol has prepared to take extra precautions and security measures to ensure no attacks take place again, but who’s to say if it will be the last. 

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