Biden’s Inaction Worsens Baby Formula Shortage

Baby Formula Locked Display / Mike Mozart / Flickr / January 15, 2020 / CC BY 2.0

The inflation that the Biden administration caused led us to food shortages. The citizens suffer most because the dems in power are not doing their job right.

Our country also experiences a baby formula shortage due to Biden’s incompetence. His lack of action has led to the current crisis, and he should be held accountable. This critical shortage can put our babies at risk of not getting the nutrition they need. Parents are worried about their infants’ growth and development.

It’s another example of the Biden administration failing to deliver on its promises. American taxpayers expected better from their president. However, they’re getting mounting evidence of his incompetence. Even worse, our children are being affected as a result.

Biden Administration Unable to Manage Baby Formula Shortage

The Republican National Committee (RNC) scrutinized the administration’s inaction. The dems had to wait before the baby formula shortage became a top-level crisis. When WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked how the administration is handling the problem, she wasn’t able to provide a clear answer.

The RNC believes that Biden could’ve prepared earlier. They were warned months ago. They said, “The Biden administration was warned over seven months ago… about looming baby formula shortages, and they did nothing. They insisted it wasn’t a ‘top-level crisis.’ Mothers would disagree.”

Politico also reported that the WH officials failed to see the problem immediately.

They interviewed an official giving too many excuses for having their plates full. The WH official said,  “A million crises were going on. That doesn’t mean this wasn’t also a crisis, it just wasn’t elevated to a top-level crisis.”

Meanwhile, ABC, CBS, and NBC provided extensive coverage of how Biden handled the baby formula crisis. The three networks only see the demo-rat as a “bystander.”

NewsBusters Research Director Scott Whitlock provided a quick overview of how the three networks saw the administration a few weeks ago. He said. “They kind of treat him like a bystander. We looked at gas prices this spring, and in most of the stories, we found… there was no hint of any blame for Joe Biden.”

Biden only took action when the crisis grew. Now that the situation is critical. This involves:

  • Creating a consent decree with the FDA to reopen the Abbott Nutrition facility
  • Issuing FDA guidance to import rens of millions of bottles of formula from abroad

The administration is pressuring the Defense Production Act to spur the production of more baby formula.

US Receiving Support from Other Countries

The US received 190,000 pounds of baby formula from Australia. They offered supplies to families struggling to feed their infants over the past weeks. The cases will be transported to the Nestle distribution center in Fort Worth.

Meanwhile, a cargo plane from Germany landed at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. It carried more than 150,000 pounds of baby formula. The goods will be distributed to major retailers such as Walmart, Target, and Kroger.

The Biden Administration had to ask other countries to provide supplies for us because they failed to address the problem at the right time. Yes, they were warned early on but failed to act immediately.

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