Biden’s Inaction Worsens Baby Formula Shortage

Baby Formula Locked Display / Mike Mozart / Flickr / January 15, 2020 / CC BY 2.0 The inflation that the Biden administration caused led us to food shortages. The citizens suffer most because the dems in power are not doing their job right. Our country also experiences a baby formula shortage due to Biden’s incompetence. His lack of action has led to the current crisis, and he should be held accountable. This critical shortage can put our babies at risk of not getting the nutrition they need. Parents are…

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The White House Appointed the Wrong Press Secretary AGAIN

The new White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is still doing a terrible job. She’s been a complete disaster. Everyone knows she lacks any competence or capability to handle the press. The only thing Jean-Pierre is good at is spinning the President’s lies. She’s no different than her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. Many people are surprised that she was given the job. We remember Jean-Pierre blabbering about being the “first black, gay and immigrant woman” to hold the title. We’ve proven that being “competent” is much more needed than “being first.”…

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Patriot Leaders to Prioritize Securing the Border

When Biden took office in January 2021… he promised to transform how the US treated asylum seekers. He vowed to restore humanitarian protection. However, we’re still not seeing any results from his administration. Biden never really cared for our borders ever since he became president. He didn’t bother continuing President Trump’s efforts to solve the crisis. Instead, the demo-rat only did the opposite of what Trump did during his term. The border crisis is one of the biggest issues America is facing. Unfortunately, it continues to get worse because of…

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Catholic Church Opposes Dems for Supporting Abortion

The liberals are still pushing for their pro-choice agenda on abortion. However, the conservatives are not backing down on their anti-abortion stance.  Moreover, Catholic and anti-abortion groups are also furious with the dems for supporting abortion. They believe that by supporting abortion… the liberals are okay with killing millions of innocent unborn children.  The church has always supported the sanctity of human life. They see the democratic party’s stance on abortion as a direct attack on their values. Pelosi Pressed on Abortion Rights House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is an avid…

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Harris to Lead the Disinformation Governance Board

The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board after Elon Musk bought Twitter. They plan to combat online disinformation. Ironically, the liberals are saying that they’re tackling disinformation…. when they are the ones who are twisting the truth with their censorship and power plays. The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board for one selfish reason. This is because they were agitated with the Twitter buy-out. They lost a tool that they were using to manipulate the truth. However, the board was put on hold weeks after it was established. They were…

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