Gas Prices Continue to Worsen

President Trump built everything up so well during his time. After his term ended, America was thrown into chaos. Gas prices are rising, and our economy is in bad shape!   The current administration is leading us to further economic failure. With Joe Biden’s weak leadership, we’re heading towards more inflation. Biden inherited a healthy economy. Our country was energy independent and was exporting a lot. But when he became president, these things quickly disappeared. The administration implemented terrible plans that increased inflation all around us. It is not surprising why…

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Biden’s Leadership Has Caused Inflation to Worsen

The Biden administration’s handling of inflation has been disastrous. Prices are soaring, and the economy is suffering as a result. Inflation rates have continued to climb since Biden took office. Some of its causes are from the current administration, specifically with: Their excessive spending They led us to a food shortage Them taking away our energy independence Prices are spiraling out of control. This is especially difficult for families who are struggling to make ends meet. Things are only going to get harder for working families…. especially if the government…

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35% Increase in Crime Under Lori Lightfoot’s Leadership

Dem Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a terrible leader. Crime in Chicago continues to rise due to her negligence.  Now, she is failing the city and its residents. Criminals are taking advantage of her weak leadership. The city is a mess and it’s only getting worse under her watch. Here’s what the dem mayor is up to right now. Ingraham Exposes Lightfoot’s Incompetence This May, Laura Ingraham discussed the growing violence in Chicago and how Lightfoot is not doing anything to address crime on “The Ingrahmond Angle.” Ingraham believes that Chicago…

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America’s Economy is Dying Under Biden

Stock market buy sell recommendations / / Flickr / May 18, 2018 / CC BY-ND 2.0 Ever since Biden became president, our economy has been very unstable. We’ve seen: Consumer prices rise by 7% in January – the fastest increase in 40 years The dems wasted $1.5 trillion on unnecessary domestic programs Biden removed America’s energy independence The administration wasted federal funds for Covid mass testing and vaccines Harris threw away $25 million to manipulate voting laws The liberal’s plan of canceling student debt loans These are some reasons…

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Woke NJ School Officials Push Sex Education for 2nd-Grade Students

The dems aren’t holding back when it comes to ruining the future of our youth. These liberals would never make America great if they continue their power play. We’ve seen how they’re pushing Critical Race Theory…  trying to brainwash our children earlier to create more discrimination.  Now, they want to teach children sex education and gender identity in schools. NJ Pushes Sex Ed Earlier for Students in 2nd Grade New Jersey students will get lessons related to gender identity this fall under state sex education guidelines. The new curriculum will…

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