Biden Threatens to Punish Russia if They Invade Ukraine

President Biden: Press Conference in Geneva, Switzerland / photo has been modified / U.S. Embassy Bern / Flickr / June 16, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / Biden seems interested in making America’s relationship with Russia even worse… Last year, we watched Biden embarrass America with his ‘dementia babble’ as he talked with Vladimir Putin on the world stage at the Geneva Summit.  During the last weeks of December, Biden warned Putin during a phone call of “severe sanctions” if he invades Ukraine. He told reporters the same thing days…

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One Year Later, The Jan 6 Capitol Attack Still Haunts America

Rioters outside the US Capitol building holding US flags and “Make America Great Again” flags / Tyler Merbler from USA, CC BY 2.0 This week marks the 1 year anniversary of the fateful January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. The attack followed the results of the 2020 presidential election, where dem Joe Biden “won” over our former President Donald Trump.  But the attack was the result of exactly that, the controversy surrounding the dems’ win of the white house – and its legitimacy.  In a recent poll done by…

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11 U.S. State Department employees IPhone’s Hacked by Pegasus

Innovation & Research Symposium Cisco and Ecole Polytechnique 9-10 April 2018 Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity / © École polytechnique – J.Barande / Flickr / April 9, 2018  / CC BY-SA 2.0 The hacking continues as Apple notifies 11 U.S. State Department employees located in Uganda that their phones were hacked using a tool that was developed by NSO Group – an Israeli tech company that has been blacklisted by the Biden administration.  The mobile hacking tool is also known as Pegasus and is NSO Group’s first successful attack on American…

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The US Senate Passed a Bill Stopping Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Vaccines / Maryland GovPics / Flickr / January 29, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 /  The opposition against Biden’s vaccine mandates is growing stronger… This triggered state lawmakers to work together and tell Biden to put an immediate halt to all mask mandates. Almost 200 of these powerful people from 30 states sent a letter to the demo-rat last November. The lawmakers wrote, “We demand that Biden and the federal government leave people alone.” Then they added, “We cannot and will not stand by while Americans are being forced…

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A White House Christmas Looks A Little Different This Year / Courtesy of @FLOTUS / Jill Biden This year, the White House has decided to scale down on the number of Christmas parties they will be hosting – because of the pandemic.  In a statement released last week, Jill Biden announced that “Anyone who knows the Bidens knows how much they enjoy hosting and celebrating the holidays. In the coming days, we will host a limited number of Holiday Open Houses, inviting guests to see the Christmas decorations in person at the White House.” Instead of the usual dozens…

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