Pelosi Stepping Down is Good Riddance

Nancy Pelosi has been working as a Democrat leader for two decades. This November, she officially said that she would step down from her role. The demo-rat’s announcement came after the Republicans won the House. Pelosi Steps Down as Democratic House Leader Pelosi plans to remain in Congress. Right now, she’s aiming to take on a mentorship role for whichever new leader fills her mantle. She wants to clear the way for a younger generation of lawmakers to climb into leadership ranks. For obvious reasons, the left is building up…

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Biden’s Student Loan Handout Dealt a Major Legal Blow

Although Biden said he wants to push through with his student loan handout… many conservatives are against the idea.  They argue that it is unfair to those who have already paid off their loans. Moreover, it will only encourage more people to take out loans they can’t afford. Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down by Texas Federal Judge A federal judge in Texas struck down Biden’s student loan handout in a ruling. Biden’s plan aims to cancel up to:  $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients in college …

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Republican Leaders Determined to Stop Biden’s Tax Plan with IRS

More taxes? That’s madness! Joe Biden and his dem buddies want to give the IRS more power.  We’ve got to stop them! Republican leaders are working hard to put a stop to this foolishness. Patriot Leaders Want to Defund Biden’s $80 Billion Project with IRS Rep. Adrian Smith and Rep. Michelle Steel are determined to defund Biden’s $80 billion IRS undertaking. They believe that getting Americans on a path to prosperity means having the government work for the people… not against them. The two conservatives are working together to defund…

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Amazon Becomes the First Company in History to Lose $1 Trillion

It’s about time something finally happened to that big, invasive tech company. Amazon has been monopolizing the market for far too long.  Moreover, we’ve seen how Jeff Bezos disregarded the safety of his workers and customers… Losing a trillion dollars is a start, but it’s not nearly enough justice. Amazon Loses $1 Trillion Amazon became the world’s first public company to lose $1 trillion in market value. This is due to rising inflation, tightening monetary policies, and disappointing earnings updates. Amazon shares fell 4.3%, pushing its market value down to…

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America Continues to Lose its Energy Independence Under Biden

Biden’s energy policies are just for show. He doesn’t care about actually solving the problem. His only goal is to make himself look good. It’s time for a president who understands the seriousness of the energy crisis. One who is willing to take bold action, and that’s not Joe Biden. European Leaders Rethink Their Energy Policies Because of Biden According to Fox News, Biden’s energy policies are hurting the US and Europe. The current crisis even made European leaders rethink their energy policies. We remember how: The OPEC announced cutting…

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