Senate Democrats Officially Pass $430 Billion Spending Bill

Unfortunately, Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema will support the Democrat’s spending bill. There’s a big chance that America will continue to rack up debt, and our children will be stuck with the bill. We need to elect more fiscal conservatives to office who will make spending cuts a priority. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema agreed to support the Democratic spending bill. However, many Republicans are unhappy with the measure. They believe it is too costly and doesn’t do enough to reduce the deficit. This is a huge mistake that…

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Hunter Biden Caught Violating Foreign Lobbying Law

Hunter Biden just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. The latest allegations against him are a long string of crimes that he’s been accused of. Whether it’s influence peddling, money laundering, or drug use… the POTUS’ son seems constantly entangled in some sort of criminal activity.  While Hunter Biden has not been formally charged with a crime, many believe he is guilty of criminal activity. Some think that he is using his influence to avoid being charged. In reality, he is a criminal who gets away with everything. We’ve…

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Biden Tested Positive After Pledging to Stop Covid-19 Almost Two Years Ago

We remember Biden promising almost two years ago that America would be “Covid-free by the 4th of July.” This was one of the many pledges from the demo-rat that failed to ever be delivered. Ironically, Biden tested positive for Covid-19 this year in July. His diagnosis came shortly after he:  Told America that he would shut down the virus for good Pushed the dems’ vaccine and mask mandates Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Attempted to…

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Russia Continues to Overspend Funds in Ukraine War

Some believe Russia is winning against Ukraine, but they may be wrong about it. In reality, Russia is exhausting its resources, and they’re overspending. The war with Ukraine is depleting Russia of large sums of money, and they may be unable to keep up the spending. It will be a big blow if Russia continues to ignore its limitations. Yes, Russia is assertive. We’ve seen how they relentlessly attacked Eastern and Southern Ukraine. But they must be careful about how much they’re spending. Otherwise, they could end up in a…

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CBP About to Break the Record for the Most Border Arrest this Year

The border crisis is still not improving. This is because the Biden administration has not appropriately addressed the issue. They have failed to provide adequate funding for border security.  These liberals haven’t implemented effective policies to deal with the influx of migrants. Unfortunately, this has led to a situation where the border crisis is now out of control.  Our Patriot leaders are having a hard time securing the border. The Biden administration has caused too much damage to our borders. Unfortunately, the current president is weak on immigration… and he…

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