Biden’s Incompetence Is Causing The US to Drift Apart From China

The US and China continue to drift apart. This is because the Biden administration isn’t improving the relationship between the two countries. The Trump administration was able to make progress… but the current administration has not been able to maintain that momentum. As the two countries clash, the risk of a significant conflict erupts. We’ve seen: The possibility of China preparing missiles for the US Navy in Guam Biden meddling  with China’s human rights issues How US and China considered separating their technological resources from one another The US has…

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Ukraine Needs More Weapons to Defend the East from Russia

It’s been months since Russia launched a full-scale offensive in Eastern Ukraine. Right now, the heat of the battle is happening in that part of the country. Russia has three main goals for the east: Establishing a corridor to Crimea Capturing all of the Donbas regions Destroying the Ukrainian Armed Forces Russia continues to be on the offensive. In comparison, Ukraine is doing its best to defend itself from further attacks. During the first week of June, Ukraine announced that they had reclaimed a portion of the city of Sievierodonetsk…

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Russia Starts Attacking Southern Ukraine

Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine (War Ukraine) / Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / Flickr / September 12, 2015 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to add more casualties to both sides. We’ve seen how the death toll rises in Ukraine and how Russia exhausts its resources. Now, Ukraine is preparing for a renewed Russian offensive in the south. Russian troops continue to unleash their assault on the southern part of Ukraine. Local authorities are ramping up their measures to fortify the region against further…

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New WH Press Secretary Not Doing Well in the First Month

The White House has become more corrupt in the past few years because Nancy Pelosi kept manipulating the facts with her lies. We’ve seen her: Use the stock market’s confidential information for her own benefit Use Covid-19 as an excuse so she wouldn’t be pressed about Hunter Biden’s laptop Call the Republicans a “cult” during a visit to England Force vaccine and mask mandates for Americans Pelosi stepped down as White House Press Secretary last month. Unfortunately, the person who replaced her is just as bad as she was. There’s…

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Commanders Removed After Russia’s Embarrassing War Failures

The war between Russia and Ukraine goes on… Yes, Russia may be on the offensive most of the time. But if you think Ukraine is the only one having a tough time, then think again. Russia is suffering as much as Ukraine in this war.  We may have seen the casualties increase in Ukraine. Death tolls rise every day. Most residents flee from their homes… while others stay put to fight against the Russian army.  On the other hand, Russia continues to exhaust its resources. We’ve seen them suffer multiple…

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