35% Increase in Crime Under Lori Lightfoot’s Leadership

Dem Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a terrible leader. Crime in Chicago continues to rise due to her negligence.  Now, she is failing the city and its residents. Criminals are taking advantage of her weak leadership. The city is a mess and it’s only getting worse under her watch. Here’s what the dem mayor is up to right now. Ingraham Exposes Lightfoot’s Incompetence This May, Laura Ingraham discussed the growing violence in Chicago and how Lightfoot is not doing anything to address crime on “The Ingrahmond Angle.” Ingraham believes that Chicago…

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President Trump is Making America Great Again in May

Donald Trump / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / October 29,2016 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration has been a failure on every level. From their policies to the way they handle things, this team is just not fit for office. America needs someone who will work hard with integrity! On the other hand, President Trump stays active in his mission of making America great again. He continues to show that he is worthy of leading the country. He is a strong leader who is always looking out for the…

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Disinformation Governance Board Faces Backlash from Both Republicans and Democrats

Elon Musk believes that everyone deserves access to free speech. The world’s richest man bought Twitter for $44 billion to allow open dialogue on the platform. The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board in response to the Twitter buyout. Irony aside, the left has always opposed free speech and information. They are actually threatened since they won’t have much control over the media. Musk was not impressed with the early opposition he was facing. He described the dems’ move as, “Discomforting.” These twisted dems claim that they’re combating misinformation. When…

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The Russia-Ukraine War is a Tragedy for Both Sides

Russia Ukraine War / manhhai / Flickr / April 5, 2022 / CC BY 2.0 The conflict between Russia and Ukraine risks people’s lives and hurts the economy. Hundreds and thousands of refugees have fled from Ukraine since Russia’s invasion. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable in this situation. Meanwhile, Russia seems to be growing tired of the war. From appearances, the country has exhausted most of its resources, especially when it attacked Eastern Ukraine. Their actions also led them to be suspended from the UN Human Rights Council.…

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Kamala Harris Continues Making More Mess this May

Kamala Harris / Gage Skidmore / July 3, 2019 / Flickr / July 3, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 Kamala Harris is not the leader that our country deserves. She has failed in every way possible. All her wrong turns are eye-openers for America. Now, citizens are realizing they wasted their votes on her because she makes things worse! We’ve seen her: Waste $25 million to implement liberal voting restrictions Get slammed for ignoring rising war and inflation Use her race and gender as excuses to counter criticism against her…

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