CDC Votes to Add Covid-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedules for Children  and Adults

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve the CDC’s new recommended immunization schedules. Specifically for adults and children for 2023. 

The vote was unanimous, with 15 in favor and none against it. Moreover, the recommended schedule advises children to start getting doses of the Covid-19 vaccine when they are six months old.

CDC Wants to Vaccinate More Children and Adults, Patriot Leaders Not Impressed

A spokesperson from CDC told Fox News that regardless of how the ACIP votes, their decision will not alter official policy. He said, “It’s important to note that there are no changes in the Covid-19 vaccine policy. This action would simply help streamline clinical guidance for healthcare providers. [It would be done] by including all currently licensed, authorized, and routinely recommended vaccines… in one document.”

Meanwhile, our patriot leaders are furious about the new CDC recommendation for the Covid-19 vaccine…

Rep. Thomas Massie tweeted his concern about the vote. He believes that this movement will make states require more vaccines… in addition to others already needed. He said, “CDC knows this will precipitate mandatory Covid shots for many schools and sports leagues. Dr. Sarah Oliver of CDC soft peddled this in her slide deck for yesterday’s ACIP meeting.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also assured that he would do his best to stop these new mandates for children. He said, “As long as I’m kicking and screaming, there will be no  Covid shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision to make as a parent.”

He added, “I get a kick out of it when people compare it to (measles, mumps, and rubella shots)… and things that have been around for decades. Most parents in Florida have opted against doing these booster shots. Particularly for young kids.”

Biden Warns Not Being Updated on Vaccines Might Cause Death

After the recent announcement from CDC, Biden warned that most Covid-related deaths would result from people not updating their vaccine.

During an afternoon press conference, the demo-rat said, “Virtually every Covid death in America is preventable. Virtually everyone, who will die from Covid this year, will not be up-to-date on their shots.” 

Biden pointed to new variants in the US and a rise in hospitalizations in Europe. He also urged people to get the latest vaccine and the flu shot. 

Biden added, “If you get it, you’re protected. And if you don’t, you’re unnecessarily putting yourself and other people at risk. Nearly every death is preventable, so get updated. Get your updated Covid shot. Now’s the time to do it, by Halloween if you can.” 

Despite all the efforts to promote the vaccines, CDC members are also catching the virus. Not to mention, Biden did too a few months ago…

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky had tested positive for Covid-19. She is experiencing mild symptoms and is up to date with her vaccines.

The CDC wrote, “Consistent with CDC guidelines, she is isolating at home… and will participate in her planned meetings virtually. CDC senior staff and close contacts have been informed of her positive test. They are taking appropriate action to monitor their health.”

The dems only want to be in control because of their politically motivated reasons…

There is no rationale to justify recommending this vaccine for childhood immunization until it has been studied for 7-10 years and proven safe and effective.

The only beneficiary of this vaccine mandate is the dems and big pharma. Those involved should be held criminally liable for any child harmed by this.

The CDC has lost all credibility and should be defunded.

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