Disinformation Governance Board Faces Backlash from Both Republicans and Democrats

Elon Musk believes that everyone deserves access to free speech. The world’s richest man bought Twitter for $44 billion to allow open dialogue on the platform.

The dems created the Disinformation Governance Board in response to the Twitter buyout. Irony aside, the left has always opposed free speech and information. They are actually threatened since they won’t have much control over the media.

Musk was not impressed with the early opposition he was facing. He described the dems’ move as, “Discomforting.”

These twisted dems claim that they’re combating misinformation. When in reality, they are the ones who spew lies on social media and mainstream platforms.

Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board is Unconstitutional

Some said that the board’s mission is too vague. While others assert its constitutionality remains questionable.

More importantly, Biden, who still claims to have never discussed his son’s corrupt business dealings… is forming a disinformation board. Now it’s more difficult to take the administration seriously.

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended the disinformation board during a White House briefing to no one’s surprise. She said, “I think what’s important to note here is what the board is doing: continuing disinformation-related work that began under the former administration.” 

Then she added, “This is meant to protect privacy, civil rights, civil liberties, and the First Amendment. The primary mission is to establish best practices to ensure that efforts to respond to disinformation are made in ways that protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.” 

No American in the right mind will believe any word that Psaki said there. We all know that she’s a pretty good liar.

Both Republicans and Democrats Don’t Trust the Disinformation Governance Board

The government board to regulate misinformation received criticism from both sides.

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackbur told Fox that she isn’t confident in trusting the board. The patriot leader believes that the board’s motive is to censor political free speech. She said, “What we know is this disinformation governance board is put there to allow the Biden administration to censor political free speech. What they are trying to do is take away your free speech. This is someone who has shown that they are very partisan.”

Democrat Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is also vocal in opposing her own party’s new board. Tulsi thinks that the far left is being threatened with losing Twitter. She said, “They’re afraid of us. They’re afraid of the people. They’re afraid that we might think for ourselves. Now they’ve created this body.”

Then she added, “They will silence dissenting voices through intimidation. This is something that they have already been doing that’s happening right now. The only difference is they’re formalizing it [and] making it official.” 

It’s disheartening that the administration can magically make up these new boards… because somebody else bought Twitter. Good thing it would now be difficult for them to manipulate the truth.

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