Even Dems Know the Impeachement Trial is Pointless

For all their hysteria throughout President Trump’s first term, the media has been almost completely silent about the ongoing impeachment trial.

And there’s a reason for that…

They know the trial is completely pointless. Here’s why…

The fact is, impeachment means practically nothing in the real world…

It’s like complaining to a teacher that someone isn’t following the rules… a complete waste of time and money.

Just about anyone you press on President Trump’s first impeachment will end up admitting it was just shallow and politically motivated…

The fact that President Trump asked someone to look into the Biden family’s alleged corruption in Ukraine was never something worth impeaching over… 

In fact, with any number of questions about Hunter Biden’s actions in Ukraine still needing answers, it’s something to be proud of. 

And with Trump out of office until he runs again in 2024, it’s even more pointless. 

They know there’s not going to be any consequences, and they know that President Trump’s denunciation of the Capitol rioters proves that he wasn’t in any way ‘inciting’ them. 

In fact, the impeachment trial is just a way of distracting people from what the dems aren’t doing…

Namely, delivering checks to all American citizens.

I don’t have to tell you that there are people who will lose everything because they haven’t received a penny from the $2,000 checks that President Trump wanted… the checks that Biden promised would go out immediately if he won.

People who, through no fault of their own, are going to lose their cars, houses, more, because they believed what the democrats said. 

So far, all they’ve done about those checks is talk about how much they should cut them from what they promised. Instead, they’re wasting their time debating something that really affects nothing but their personal feelings.

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