GOP Lawmakers Determined to Defund Sexually Oriented School Programs

The dems continue to destroy our children’s innocence by teaching them about sex. They are exposing them to things that they are not ready for and corrupting their innocent minds. 

This is just another example of the liberal’s incompetence. What they’re doing is a complete disregard for the welfare of our children.

GOP Bill to Defund Sexually Oriented School Programs

This October, House Republicans introduced a bill that aims to save our youth from being corrupted. 

Vice chairman of the House Republican Conference Rep. Mike Johnson and 32 other Republican members of Congress created the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022. It aims to prohibit teaching children under 10 years old about “sexually oriented topics.” It targets the distribution of literature covering:

  • Masturbation
  • Pornography
  • Sexual Acts
  • Gender Transition
  • Burlesque Shows
  • Drag Shows

Moreover, the sweeping legislation would affect all federally funded facilities and programs. This includes:

  • Public Libraries
  • Federally Funded Schools
  • Military Bases
  • Hospitals

Johnson shared his thoughts about the matter. He said, “The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery… and radical gender ideology.”

Johnson also emphasized that he wants the GOP to defund any school programs that are sexually oriented. He added, “This commonsense bill is straightforward. No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

The bill has almost no chance of being law under liberal control. Johnson said, “We do not anticipate that Democrats will schedule a vote on this commonsense proposal… especially while they run the floor. However, we intend to keep pressing the issue in a Republican majority.”

Leftists Oppose the GOP Bill

The dems are opposing the GOP’s Stop the Sexualization of Children Ac. These liberals want our children to be exposed to more obscene materials not suited to their age.

Advocates say the law stigmatizes LGBTQ families and queer youths. Specifically, those who already face disproportionate rates of bullying and harassment at school.

Alejandra Caraballo, a clinical instructor at Harvard Law School’s Cyberlaw Clinic and a transgender-rights advocate, shared her opposition to the bill. She wrote, “I can’t overstate how radical the private right of action portion is. The bill is so broadly defined that a pediatric hospital could be sued for having a pride flag… or a medical pamphlet about gender dysphoria. It deputizes anti-LGBTQ bigots to engage in bounty lawsuits.”

She added, “It is so incredibly dehumanizing and hateful for congress members to draft a bill… that would define under federal law which I am as a queer, trans woman as being “sexually oriented.” As if my very existence is harmful to children. It’s disgusting, heinous, and monstrous.”

No child should be taught about sex education that early. This continued movement toward the sexualization of children is insane.

The dems have taken one small step to brainwash our children. Our patriot leaders are doing their best to save them.

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