Guilty? Bill Gates Ties to Epstein Exposed

For years, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has tried to claim that his ties to Jeffrey Epstein were just a coincidence… that he didn’t know anything about Epstein’s series of crimes.

Now, his soon-to-be ex-wife is leaving him because of his connection to Epstein… and she’s telling the truth about just how far the Gates-Epstein link really went.

We’re exposing the truth about Bill Gates, finally revealing the facts he’s tried so hard to hide, and which none of his mass-media allies would ever dream of exposing. 

When Bill and Melinda Gates first announced their plans for divorce, no one knew what was happening. They never gave a reason, just said they were separating.

Since then, however, the story’s taken a far darker turn, threatening to expose a grotesque series of offences perpetrated by the one-time world’s richest man.

According to an insider quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Melinda Gates knew she had to break things off with the Microsoft founder as soon as she found out about his ‘dealings with the convicted sex offender’ Jeffrey Epstein.

And who could blame her? 

If you found out your partner was deliberately associating with a convicted pedophile… was spending evenings and nights in one of his private mansions… 

You’d get out of there as soon as possible, right? 

And if you were married to someone who said that the world’s most prolific pedophile had a ‘kind of intriguing’ life, you’d start telling the papers everything you knew… and probably hire some personal protection.

Of course, there’s one reason why we still haven’t heard everything… 

When you make an enemy of one of the world’s richest people, you make one of the most dangerous enemies imaginable. Gates’ army of lawyers is more than ready to stamp out any suggestion that he personally was involved with Epstein’s crimes…

But his connection to Epstein is already damning enough. According to a former Gates Foundation employee, Gates got in contact with Jeffrey Epstein for the most selfish reason possible… he wanted the Nobel Peace Prize.

The fact that Epstein had any sway at all with the Nobel Committee should horrify anyone… and it shows just how far Gates has gone to manufacture his public image.

Big-name divorces take time… don’t be surprised to hear more shocking news about Gates in the years to come.

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19 Thoughts to “Guilty? Bill Gates Ties to Epstein Exposed”

  1. Wyatt Earp

    Like the Bible say. MONEY IS THE SIGN KF EVIL! MAN rather worship money than GOD! Gates got rich because people wanted his software. China help him when America would not! Then sold the software to the people of America. He use SLAVERY at a cheap price by using Chinese people! Now he got involved with young girl for sex! That how Epstein got RICH! OFF OF WEALTHY FOOL WHO WORSHIPPING MONEY!

  2. Lea

    We know Gates is “dIRTbAg Killing and maiming so many in Africa. He is doomed to go to Hell.

  3. Lyudmila

    I wonder if there was a relationship between Obama and Jeffrey Epstein; otherwise, how did Obama manage to get the Nobel Prize before he started working as president?

    1. Bill E Ehrhorn

      Obama did it on his own talents. Look at his life, Obama has succeeded at what he did throughout his productive life.

      1. Margie A. Roberts

        You joking?

      2. Karole Conaway

        The only talent obama(SS) had was lying and destroying America!

  4. Renee Moore

    I knew that snot nosed common sense dumb idiot was part of that SEX With Underage Girls was more than ORDINARY MEN & By the way WHY wasn’t any of these HIGH Profile People taken DOWN like Epstein?? THESE CREEPS that are BIDEN’S FRIENDS took advantage of these Young Girls and they knew Epstein was going to get killed in order to COVER THEIR ASSES! I would say now that EVERY MAN in Biden’s Circle of Trust are Pedophiles, Deviates, & SEXUAL PREDATORS! I BET Obama was another CUSTOMER & funny how Epstein DIED to Cover their Asses

    1. joan dinnel

      look up bushes funeral. a lot of these people were all sitting together including trumps BUT everyone got a note in their funeral program except the trumps. you can see hillary mouthing “they know everything” some one needs to look into this and what these letters said

  5. Billy W

    He thinks he can just due as he pleases. His company needs to be broken up.

  6. Era Peek Flowers

    But is this the way Of the world if GOD AND JESUS IS NOT IN YOUR LIFE ? Dont we get busy trying to fill GODS space in our heart ? IF WE HAVE LOTS OF RICHES, WHO DO WE NEED ?

  7. Loyd

    Money lots of money has destroyed a lot of people, in the end theyare lost.

  8. Bill E Ehrhorn

    Not really. Microsoft s just the 21st century typewriter company.

  9. Kimberly Read

    Obama was a Complete Failure. Out only for the money oh and help the middle east. His People….

  10. Rosita Welcker

    When YOU real all it I can SAID They
    are Sony of evil , is a BIG trouble what Biden , Obama , Bill Kill Gates! But Justice of Lord God is GOING to BE by them ! I am Sorry FOR THE good Americans to live it ! God BLESS América!

  11. Gretchen

    Gates is pure scum along with his buddies, obuma. Clinton and biden. They are sick puppies and get by with their corruption. Only the final judge will have his say one day

  12. Dan

    Obama was a complete failure.
    A person who thought
    he was smarter than
    Everyone and the
    biggest racist and crook.

  13. debbie miracle

    your just as guilty my dear your in on all of his dirty deeds your self vaccines and food crops and so much more so quit trying to play the pity card not working you just as evil

  14. Wyatt Earp

    His wife would be smart if she got a STD test. But might be to late! Gates trying to destroy the people of Africa. For unknown reasons, except HATE!

  15. Mike Egan

    Every Democratic President beginning with Clinton has been bought and paid for by the Most Dangerous man in the World-GEORGE SOROS!

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