Hunter Biden’s Email Scandal Just Got Worse

Hunter Biden said he wants to introduce his business associates to a top Chinese Communist Party official. Fox reported that they are planning to discuss potential investments… and to continue an urgent discussion from a dinner in Beijing a few years ago.

The news outlet recovered suspicious emails from Hunter Biden. It underscores the extent to which the demo-rat was willing to use his political connections… to aid his business associates in their pursuit of business in China. 

Hunter Biden to Introduce Business Partners to Top CCP Official

James Bulger, nephew of Boston crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger… emailed Hunter Biden on July 22, 2014. He asked Hunter to introduce BHR CEO Jonathan Li and Andy Lu – who was a BHR committee member – to “Mr. Tung” to discuss “BHR investment targets” and “fundraising.”

Bulger wrote in an email, “It is my understanding that during the trip to Beijing that you made with your father, President Xi hosted a welcome dinner. At that dinner, you were seated right next to Mr. Tung. Therefore J and Andy believe it would be very helpful if you could please send a brief email to Mr. Tung… laying out that you are a partner and Board Member of BHR… and that You would be grateful to Mr. Tung if he could meet your local partners to discuss the Fund.”

He added, “Please let me know if you can introduce these two to Mr. Tung by email. It is very important to our BHR initiative at this moment.”

Hunter Biden responded that he was “happy” to fulfill the request… but said he couldn’t recall the names of the gentlemen who sat next to him at the dinner. He wrote, “Happy to do this. But I have no email address for Mr. Tung. He very well may have sat next to me, but I don’t recall the two gentlemen’s names to my left and right. Regardless, I suggest the team draft an email in Mandarin and English for my approval ASAP.”

“Let me reach out to Lin, and J will revert ASAP,” Bulger replied later that day.

House Dems Cover for Hunter Biden

House Democrats dismissed a Republican request for documents related to Hunter Biden’s business dealings… that may influence US policies.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee is considering a resolution that asks Joe Biden to deliver all documents related to the business dealings of Hunter Biden. The committee voted down the resolution after nearly 2 hours of debate.

Rep. Byron Donalds cited reports that Hunter Biden helped a Chinese company buy a Congolese cobalt mine.

The patriot leader couldn’t accept the House Dem’s covering up for Hunter Biden. He said, “Frankly, it’s a lie. So do you mean to tell me that Joe Biden… had no idea that his son was engaged in the sale of a cobalt mine to a Chinese company… at the same time when the centerpiece of Joe Biden’s energy policy is electric cars in the United States? Come on, folks. That is just crazy.”

On the other hand, House dems are doing their best to hide the truth…

Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York, the committee’s top Democrat, said, “This is a nakedly partisan effort. None of these people have a role in the Biden administration.”

Rep. Stephen Lynch said that Joe Biden and his family are unfairly targeted. He said, “This president is a good and decent man. He is an honorable man. And your efforts to dirty him up and dust him up are reprehensible.”

Democrats accused Republicans of demanding documents from Hunter Biden to weaken the Democrats’ position in the 2024 election.
However, the laptop exists. Even though it was suppressed for two years… the evidence on the laptop is real and proves that Hunter Biden was never being honest.

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