Mainstream Media Calls School Board Protestors “Domestic Terrorists”, Then Denies It

Angry parents and community members protest after a Loudoun County School Board meeting was halted by the school board because the crowd refused to quiet down, in Ashburn, Virginia, June 22, 2021. Loudoun has been roiled for months by accusations that it has embraced critical race theory, a school of thought that maintains that racism is ingrained in U.S. law and institutions and that legacies of slavery and segregation have created an uneven playing field for Black Americans. The school system says it is simply training teachers, the majority of whom are white, to be “culturally responsive” to serve the county’s increasingly diverse student population. (REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/File Photo)

The National School Board Association’s (NSBA) recent letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) has critics up in arms over claims in the letter asking for the Biden administration to label protesting parents as ‘domestic terrorists’. 

Then, the battle between the left and right began in a messy – he said she said – back and forth…

Critical Race Theory opponent Christopher Rufo tweeted following the NSBA letter’s request for the FBI to label school board protests as “domestic terrorism”. 

To which the Associated Press made a poor attempt to fact-check. In their article, they listed the claim as false and turned to Twitter to call out Rufo for his remarks.

And yet again, we have another case of the leftist media speaking before they’re spoken to.

Immediately, Rufo commented on this article, calling out The AP for being the ones to mischaracterize the statements to benefit them.

We all know how the left loves to use the media to spin webs and webs of false truths to turn America away from what’s really going on… 

The NSBA letter itself, clearly outlines that “these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

And again… later in the letter the NSBA requests that the DOJ “review examine appropriate enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under the Gun-Free School Zones Act, the PATRIOT Act in regards to domestic terrorism.”

It’s obvious that The AP wants nothing more than to put the Conservative people on blast, unfortunately, they didn’t do their research properly. 

Several other critics blasted The AP’s so-called “fact-check” for failing to see the ‘very specific’ reference to domestic terrorism in the letter.

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis press secretary criticized the AP, calling them “Activist Progressives” on Twitter, where not soon after she received a petty email from an AP reporter, linking her to their About Us page… 

I guess when you know you’re in the wrong, all you have left is to be petty about it and not choose to strengthen your company’s values or morals. 

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