The Dems Want To Silence US!

Rudy Giuliani, former President Trump’s personal attorney has been involved in several political conspiracies and he’s most known for his involvement in the 2020 presidential election investigation. He was so involved in fact, that he was practically sitting on the answers to what really happened during the scandal that lost President Trump his second term… Giuliani got a little too close to the truth, and the New York appeals court suspending his license to practice law in the state, without even giving him the opportunity to dispute the charges at…

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Wisconsin Immune to Federal Gun Law

Biden and the dems are still pushing for stricter laws surrounding the Second Amendment. Despite the federal government’s pushback, Wisconsin is doing a great job fighting these gun restrictions and preserving the conservative spirit. The state passed the Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill this past June. Assembly Bill 293 will protect Wisconsin gun owners from federal gun laws with the following considerations: Guns made in the state after the bill have to be stamped “Made in Wisconsin”  Guns built in Wisconsin that never leave the state will avoid implications from all…

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US Athlete Disrespects America

This year’s ‘2020’ Olympic games in Tokyo are finally drawing close; what’s supposed to be an exciting time for Americans to show their pride is turning into a platform for hate crimes.  The Olympic games are already making the news thanks to activist athletes using their publicity as a means for protesting social and racial injustices.  All protests and demonstrations are strictly banned under Rule 50 of the games, but the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee CEO Sarah Hirshland allowed “respectful demonstrations on the topic of racial and social justice”…

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Don’t Let them Cancel Independence Day

Everyone loves Independence Day, right? No one could possibly be against celebrating the freedom our ancestors fought for, right? Even the most fanatic liberal has to take a step back and admit America’s greatness for just one day, right? Wrong. The left won’t even turn off the anti-Americanism for one day: they’re trying to CANCEL the 4th of July, and make it just another day of boredom, rather than a celebration of American patriotism… Hard to believe, isn’t it? Here’s the proof, an actual quote from liberal ‘news’ site The…

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Our ‘President’ is so Easily Manipulated…

Joe Biden embarrasses America with his ‘dementia babble’ as he talked with Vladimir Putin on the world stage in the Geneva Summit this past June. What was supposed to be one of the most important days of the year turned out to be a major embarassment for Americans everywhere… Putin spoke after the three-hour summit and praised Biden unexpectedly. It might seem like he is joining sides with the Biden Administration, but everything he’s said until now has been part of a larger calculated move.  Every word that came from…

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