Why ‘Russiagate’ Was Never Real

For years, democrats clung onto any number of lies about President Trump…  And probably the biggest of them was ‘Russiagate’, the absurd idea that Russian interference helped win the Presidency for Trump. The thing is, just about everything the mainstream media told you about Russiagate was a complete lie… Here’s the facts.  If you ever listened to the mainstream media when President Trump was in office, you’d have heard someone repeating the bizarre conspiracy that Trump only won because his friends in Russia “hacked the election”. It was always a…

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Lybian Slave Trade: “Obama to Blame”

Dems love to pretend they’re the “good guys”… And then get their mainstream media allies to cover up the facts that prove their lies.  Here’s the history the liberal media will NEVER tell you… the full story about how Obama and the dems brought slavery back to Lybia: In 2011, the Obama administration launched a brutal attack against Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s ruling dictator. According to the dems, this operation was meant to prevent “the massacre of innocent civilians” – instead it quickly became one of the most vicious crimes the…

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Biden Drops Out: The Lies That Lead to His Demise

Today, lying about everything seems to be an essential quality for any democrat politician… But things used to be very different. There used to be actual consequences for dems lying about everything they could. Here’s the story of why Joe Biden was forced to drop out of the 1988 election… and why the mainstream media wants to make sure you never hear about it. Most people don’t remember the 1988 presidential election… and the media wants to keep it that way.  Why? That’s simple.  It shows exactly what Joe Biden’s…

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Biden Plan: Say Anything, Do Nothing

Like the saying goes, talk is cheap… And no one seems cheaper than Joe Biden, making countless promises… and then refusing to do anything about them. Here’s why Biden and his dem allies don’t even bother to do anything but talk: When a competent president comes up with an executive order, it means ‘this is getting done’. It’s been that way for practically the entire history of America… And why wouldn’t it?  There’s nothing stopping a President from carrying out the plans they’ve made… unless they never meant to do…

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Hunter Biden Laptop Proven Real

Remember what happened to the Hunter Biden laptop story?  Just days before the election, Big Tech decided to do everything they could to control the news – to prevent you hearing the truth about Hunter Biden’s crimes. Now, they’re starting to admit that, not only was everything on the laptop real… the story’s even worse than it sounded at first. If you just listened to the mainstream media leading up to the election, you’d never have heard anything about Hunter Biden. In particular, you’d never have heard about his laptop,…

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