It’s Over for the Mainstream Media

What matters to the media more than anything else? You know it’s not the truth… honesty doesn’t even come into the picture. It’s all about the ratings – all about the money.  So with ratings in freefall since President Trump left the White House, it’s no surprise that the mainstream media are panicking… here’s what’s happening: It shouldn’t surprise you that Donald Trump’s presidency was a godsend to the mainstream media.  With liberal institutions like CNN and the New York Times pulling in record profits from their ‘reporting’ about Trump,…

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“Oh God, I Miss Him”: Biden on Trump

In his first, embarrassing press conference since the inauguration, Joe Biden said a lot… Of course, most of what he said was the usual incoherent babbling everyone’s so used to. Then Biden made perhaps the most truthful statement of his career, when talking about President Trump: “Oh God, I miss him”. Here’s why Biden’s right for once: Miss me yet? It’s the classic line when administrations change over… all of a sudden, you’re thinking about the last guy in a very different way. That’s seemingly what happened just the other…

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Dems Rob their Own Party

What’s worse than a bad loser? It’s the classic story with democrats… the second something doesn’t go their way, they decide to throw a tantrum.  In a truly embarrassing story, dems in Nevada decided to take their ball and go home, pocketing hundreds of thousands along the way: Earlier this month, the Nevada branch of the democrat party voted on their new chair. The details don’t really matter, but the mainstream party, the Biden fans, lost crushingly. Now, this happens. It happens a lot… enough that no one should be…

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Biden Refuses to End War

When President Trump promised an end to the war in Afghanistan, he meant it. The problem is, Biden and the dems don’t want the war (or their profits) to come to an end. Here’s the shocking story about how they’re trying to drag the war out even further… and what it’s doing to our warriors. Imagine this: you’re a soldier who’s been fighting in Afghanistan for years, in a war that’s lasted almost 20 years. One day, you hear the news: President Trump’s ending the war. He’s on TV, saying…

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Exclusive: Top RINOs Tied to Epstein

You already know how deeply connected top dems were to Jeffrey Epstein. But the fact is, Epstein and his associates worked to build ties wherever they could… even inside the Republican Party. Here’s our exclusive expose of the RINOs who took thousands from men like Epstein: The fact that dem operatives like Bill Clinton were directly connected to Jeffrey Epstein shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows anything about Clinton’s history. That said, the Epstein story doesn’t end there. For decades, Epstein and his associates worked to build up connections with the…

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