Biden’s War on White House Reporting

With at least some of them working to hold Biden to account, the White House press corps is one of the most important parts of the press… That’s why Joe Biden’s shaking them down. By charging reporters hundreds of dollars at a time, Biden’s working to kill everything but the mainstream media… here’s how. For decades, the White House press corps has reported directly on press briefings from Press Secretaries, Presidents and more, covering some of the most important stories across America. In other words, they’re a fundamentally important part…

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Revealed: Chuck Schumer’s Imaginary Friends

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is one of the most important members of the democrat party… He also runs all his decisions past two imaginary friends. That’s no joke… it’s the reality behind the democrat party, and explains exactly why they keep failing. As the dem leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer makes any number of critical decisions for the party… makes decisions that directly affect the lives of millions. At least, that’s how it’s meant to be. That’s how it was for just about every senate leader in history.…

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Why Are The Dems Pushing Neera Tanden?

Given that the dems spent the last 4 years whining about President Trump’s tweets, you might expect them to show at least a little honesty… Instead, they’re desperately pushing an appointee infamous for using her position to abuse anyone who criticized her… and more. Find out more about why Biden’s team is so set on appointing Neera Tanden to office, and why they need to be stopped. Over a month in, it’s becoming very obvious that Joe Biden and team are unwilling to fight for anything that might make a…

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Bad News, Liberals: Biden Gives Up on $15 Pledge

When Biden announced that one of his first acts as president would be setting a $15 minimum wage across the country, liberals rejoiced… Just days later, he gave up. Yet again, Biden’s failed to do anything that he promised his base… here’s why that spells disaster for the dems in the midterms. Whether you think the policy could help out American workers, or mean disaster for small businesses across the country, there was absolutely no ambiguity when Joe Biden promised he’d be seeking a $15 minimum wage for America. There’s…

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Biden Starts Bombing – To Media Silence

Just 4 years ago, the media condemned President Trump for authorizing airstrikes in Syria… Now that Biden’s sending the bombs, they’ve changed their tune. It’s actually worse than it sounds… here’s what makes Biden’s bombing so bad. No money for $2000 checks, but more than enough to fund yet more bombing for the Obama-started war in Syria… When Joe Biden started the first of his bombing campaigns just last week, the media fawned over it… declaring it a “new era” for politics… despite it seeming very familiar to anyone paying…

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