Why Cuomo Keeps Failing New York

Andrew Cuomo: liberal icon, Emmy Award winner, the man responsible for New York having the second highest COVID death rate in the US… Doesn’t add up, right?  Here’s why the liberal media keeps protecting Cuomo – and what that means for New Yorkers… If you listen to the media, New York governor Andrew Cuomo is a hero who single-handedly steered the city through COVID, whose governance saved millions. Ask any real New Yorker, and you’ll hear a very different story.  With over 40,000 victims of the pandemic across the state,…

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Wall Street Rejects Free Trade

It’s no secret that American greatness was founded on free trade… But now, the billionaires of Wall Street are doing everything they can to shut out individual trade, banning people like you from making any money from their investments. Here’s why the events of the last few days show just how Wall Street is trying to END the free market: It started as a joke, but quickly became a sign of something far more serious.  When amateur investors noticed that multi-billion dollar hedge fund Melvin Capital had bet big against…

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Biden Earpiece Confirmed?

Remember how Joe Biden sounded just a few months ago?  Barely able to finish a sentence, throwing out inane tangents and regularly getting the facts completely wrong, it’s no wonder that people started to speculate about why his way of speaking changed just before the debates.  Just the other day, a surprising video revealed that there may be more to the Biden earpiece theory than there seemed at first… With the Capitol on lockdown leading up to Biden’s inauguration, it’s no surprise that Biden walked through a crowd of marines…

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What is the Patriot Party?

According to some journalists, President Trump won’t just be coming back in 2024 – he’ll be leading a completely new party to the election. Currently referred to as the ‘Patriot Party’, this new party could seriously shake up American politics… But what’s the real story behind the Patriot Party – and when can you expect to know more? It’s still one of the biggest questions in politics today… What is Trump going to do next?  From returning to the world of business to starting his own news channel, there’s been…

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Trump Celebrates American History

In one of his last acts in his first term in office, President Trump has issued an important declaration through an Executive Order… It’s a move that ensures that real American history won’t be forgotten… while rejecting those who want to forget the heroes who made America great. Here’s what President Trump’s executive order said – and when it’s going to happen.. Yesterday, in one of his final acts as President (for now), Trump issued an Executive Order designed to commemorate some of the greatest figures in American history… And…

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