America Continues to Lose its Energy Independence Under Biden

Biden’s energy policies are just for show. He doesn’t care about actually solving the problem. His only goal is to make himself look good. It’s time for a president who understands the seriousness of the energy crisis. One who is willing to take bold action, and that’s not Joe Biden. European Leaders Rethink Their Energy Policies Because of Biden According to Fox News, Biden’s energy policies are hurting the US and Europe. The current crisis even made European leaders rethink their energy policies. We remember how: The OPEC announced cutting…

Biden Claims He’s Able to Reduce Inflation

Under Biden’s leadership, inflation has gotten worse. This makes everyday Americans suffer as the cost of living increases. While the government tells us that the economy is improving… we know the reality is very different. Things are only getting worse, and it’s time for a change. His policies have increased prices, making it difficult for us to make ends meet. We need a leader who will get our economy back on track, and that’s not Biden. Biden Thinks He’s Solving Inflation Biden claimed that prices for goods are approaching pre-pandemic…

Saudi Arabia Prince Mocked Biden After OPEC Oil Cut?

Biden is ruining America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. He is proving to be a weak leader who is beholden to special interests. Under his leadership, America is becoming more isolated from the rest of the world. WH Says Biden Believes Saudi Arabia Sided With Russia After OPEC Oil Cut The White House said that Biden believes Saudi Arabia has sided with Russia. This followed the Riyadh-led OPEC announcement last time to cut oil production. WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “We believe in OPEC’s decision. (Saudi Arabia is) certainly aligning…

White House Press Secretary Grilled on Twitter After Calling 2016 Elections “Stolen”

Karine Jean-Pierre is a terrible White House press secretary and an embarrassment to the country. Her skills are non-existent, and her performance has been dismal. She’s just as bad as her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. The demo-rat is even unable to answer questions correctly. Jean-Pierre is incapable of handling the press… and is a disgrace. She is clearly not fit for the job and should be replaced by someone more competent. Jean-Pierre Grilled After Calling 2016 Election ‘Stolen’ Fox News reporter Peter Doocy confronted Jean-Pierre with her own past tweets. The…

Biden Tested Positive After Pledging to Stop Covid-19 Almost Two Years Ago

We remember Biden promising almost two years ago that America would be “Covid-free by the 4th of July.” This was one of the many pledges from the demo-rat that failed to ever be delivered. Ironically, Biden tested positive for Covid-19 this year in July. His diagnosis came shortly after he:  Told America that he would shut down the virus for good Pushed the dems’ vaccine and mask mandates Wasted federal funds for mass testing and millions of vaccines Risked the livelihoods of healthcare, airline, and Big Tech workers Attempted to…