Amazon Sued for Discrimination. Do You Still Trust Them?

Conservatives continue to lose trust in Amazon. Some say that the company is biased against them. Others believe that Amazon is secretly working with the liberals. So far, we’ve seen how Amazon: Bought a primary healthcare company to get access to patient data Invaded customer privacy with Amazon Sidewalk Put customer’s households in danger with Amazon Key Now, there are issues about Amazon being involved in racial discrimination. There is also news that the Big Tech company is manipulating its views and comments on Amazon Prime. There is no doubt…

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Biden Calls Trump Loyalists a Threat to Democracy

Biden is trying to cast Trump loyalists as a threat to democracy. This ridiculous claim shows how out of touch he is with the American people. Trump loyalists are patriotic Americans who love their country and want what’s best for it. They are not threats to democracy. They are the protectors of it. Senate Democrats are standing behind Joe Biden’s offensive statement. They are standing by him even though he said something that was not right. It shows that they are more interested in ensuring Biden can still manipulate the…

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Gov. Greg Abbott Buses Illegal Migrants to New York, D.C., and Chicago

As midterm elections approach… border security is currently one of the top priorities on the mind of GOP voters. According to CNN’s data, 748 migrants died at the border. It surpassed the previous high of more than 200 victims.  The liberals just can’t help themselves. Despite all evidence that their policies are failing, they continue to make the border crisis worse. It’s almost as if they want to see our country fail. They have been so steeped in their own ideology that they can’t see what’s happening right before them.…

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Congress Can Stop Big Tech From Censoring Conservative News

According to Pew Research, around 86% of Americans say that they consume their news on their electronic devices. Specifically their phone, computer, and tablet. The days you get your newspaper delivered by a guy on a bike are long gone. Nowadays, your news is delivered to you by Big Tech billionaires who control what we see. They suppress all the articles and videos they don’t like and even make money out of them. The two dominant players in the news game are Google and Facebook. However, neither of these two…

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White House Press Secretary Grilled on Twitter After Calling 2016 Elections “Stolen”

Karine Jean-Pierre is a terrible White House press secretary and an embarrassment to the country. Her skills are non-existent, and her performance has been dismal. She’s just as bad as her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. The demo-rat is even unable to answer questions correctly. Jean-Pierre is incapable of handling the press… and is a disgrace. She is clearly not fit for the job and should be replaced by someone more competent. Jean-Pierre Grilled After Calling 2016 Election ‘Stolen’ Fox News reporter Peter Doocy confronted Jean-Pierre with her own past tweets. The…

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