Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduced Bill to Repeal the Liberal’s Gun Control Law

The liberals are always trying to take away our gun rights. They use their power to strip us of our Second Amendment rights. Well, we’re not going to let them get away with it. We’re going to fight for our right to bear arms! These twisted dems are going too far with their legislation and they’re taking away our freedom. We need to stand up and fight for our Second Amendment rights. We can’t let the government take away our ability to protect ourselves. These dems must be stopped. They…

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Biden’s Incompetence Is Costing Us

The US and China continue to drift apart thanks to the Biden administration. So far, we’ve seen: How Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan caused more conflict in China The possibility of China preparing missiles for the US Navy in Guam Biden meddling  with China’s human rights issues How US and China considered separating their technological resources from one another This growing rift is causing tension and unrest among conservatives. They feel that the Biden administration is to blame for why the US is on bad terms with China. American citizens are…

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Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Will Only Do the Opposite

Biden’s spending plan materialized after 18 months of negotiation in the US Senate. The liberals were able to pass the Inflation Reduction Act this August. Unfortunately, the dems convinced Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema to support their spending plan. Now, the liberals are a step ahead of us. We need to stop this before anything worse happens. The idea of this legislation is terrible. Knowing Biden, the only thing it will do for our country’s inflation problem is create more problems. We’ve seen the demo-rat: Waste 1.5 trillion on…

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Kari Lake Starts Her Legacy for Arizona

Kari Lake, a Republican, backed by President Trump, has recently won the Republican primary for Arizona governor. The race between Kari Lake and Karrin Taylor Robson was close, with Lake having a lead of fewer than 12,000 votes. Lake said after the results were announced, “Though the results took longer than they should have… Arizonans who the establishment has forgotten just delivered a political earthquake.”  Lake worked as a journalist before pursuing politics. Most recently, as an evening anchor in Pheonix. She is also a vocal advocate of the 2020…

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Right to Contraception Act Passes on House; But Unlikely to Pass on Senate

The House of Representatives passed legislation that federally protects birth control access. This also includes allowing medications used to induce abortion.  In a 228-195 vote, lawmakers passed the Right to Contraception Act. There were 8 Republicans who voted with Democrats to support the legislation. These were: Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.) Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio) Rep. John Katko (N.Y.) Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) Rep. Nancy Mace (S.C.) Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (Fla.) Rep. Fred Upton (Mich.) The bill prevents state and local governments from interfering with birth…

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