Wisconsin Immune to Federal Gun Law

Biden and the dems are still pushing for stricter laws surrounding the Second Amendment. Despite the federal government’s pushback, Wisconsin is doing a great job fighting these gun restrictions and preserving the conservative spirit. The state passed the Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill this past June. Assembly Bill 293 will protect Wisconsin gun owners from federal gun laws with the following considerations: Guns made in the state after the bill have to be stamped “Made in Wisconsin”  Guns built in Wisconsin that never leave the state will avoid implications from all…

From the overuse of antibiotics to anti-vaxxers, why we need to work together to create a stronger culture of public health

Whenever I talk about my research on how parents come to decide to reject vaccines for their children, my explanations are met with a range of reactions, but I almost always hear the same questions. What is wrong with those parents? Are they anti-science? Are they anti-expert? Are they simply ignorant or selfish? Are they crazy? The year is not half over, and the number of measles cases has now exceeded highs not seen since the U.S. was declared measles-free in 2000. Given the indisputably large role unvaccinated individuals are playing in it, parents…

Exclusive breastfeeding lowers odds of some schoolchildren having eczema

Children exclusively breastfed for the first three months of life had significantly lower odds of having eczema at age 6 compared with peers who were not breastfed or were breastfed for less time, according to preliminary research presented during the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2019 Annual Meeting. Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by extremely itchy skin that, when scratched, becomes inflamed and covered with blisters that crack easily. While genes and the environment are implicated in this inflammatory disease, many questions remain unanswered, such as how…

Americans concerned about weight, but don’t understand link to heart conditions, health

A Cleveland Clinic survey finds that while most Americans (88 percent) understand that there is a connection between a healthy heart and a healthy weight, most aren’t doing enough — or anything — to combat their own weight issues. The survey found 74 percent are concerned about their weight and 65 percent are worried about getting heart disease due to extra pounds, yet less than half (43 percent) of Americans have tried to make dietary changes to lose weight and 40 percent of those who describe themselves as overweight or…

Experts May Disagree On Skin Cancer Diagnoses

Experts tasked with identifying skin cancer in laboratories often disagree over diagnoses, according to a new study. Nearly one in five suspected cases of skin cancer are likely diagnosed as more advanced than they really are, researchers found. Similarly, nearly one in five are likely diagnosed as less severe when they’re actually more severe. “The diagnosis is made by a human,” said lead author Dr. Joann Elmore, of the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. “There is no molecular marker or machine that will tell us what the…