The Biden Administration Wasted 15 Million COVID-19 Vaccines

The Biden administration is doing a terrible job of managing our resources for fighting COVID… According to NBC, there are several reasons why vaccine doses get discarded:  Cracked vial Error diluting the vaccine Storage malfunction Lack of demand Unused doses in an opened vial Pharmacies and state governments in the US have wasted at least 15 million doses of vaccines since March. The numbers may still be an undercount and are expected to rise. In data from the CDC, they found that 4 national pharmacy chains reported more than one…

Labor Day Poll

Share Labor Day Gets Cancelled Across the Country As Delta-Variant Surges   Labor day travels have been severely restricted because of the Delta surge across America. AAA is encouraging travelers to follow CDC guidelines and reconsider travel as a result. Should Labor Day Be Cancelled? You have already submitted your answer Enter a valid email address Enter your first name Enter a valid phone number Yes No ​ ​ ​ ​ I’d like to have poll results, special offers and announcements sent to me via text message and agree to the…

Get Vaccinated or Become Unemployed

As the delta variant continues to spread in the US, Big Tech companies are requiring their employees to have proof of vaccination before they can go back to work on-site… and they’re not taking their employee’s word for it. Vaccine mandates are gaining popularity with the left as panic ensues across the country. Big Tech companies are making it mandatory to get COVID-19 vaccinations. Companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Lyft, Uber, and Twitter require their employees to submit proof of vaccination before coming to the office. Last July, CDC…

Tenant and Renter Debt Rises in The Face of Eviction Moratorium

The government’s pandemic-related ban on residential evictions expired at Midnight on Saturday, July 31st, as a result putting millions of Americans at risk of eviction. The Biden administration made a half attempt to salvage this moratorium and extend it in light of the recent surge in Delta variant cases. There are more than 15 million people in 6.5 million households across America that are currently behind on rental payments, collectively owing more than $20 billion to landlords.   The eviction Moratorium was put into place last March, as a way to…

Another Wrong Turn For Biden

A few months ago, Biden announced that fully vaccinated people won’t need to wear masks anymore. Then, he insisted that July 4th would be the day our country was free from COVID… when in fact, the situation is only getting worse with the increasing cases of Delta variant racing through America.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this July, the average number of new US cases has risen to 56,000 a day. That was almost 30,000 new cases added in just a week. On the other…