White House Creates False Facts to Make Biden’s Mandates Look Good

A White House report from a few weeks ago builds up Biden’s forceful mandates to sound righteous and successful. They’re making it look like the demo-rat is doing a great job being our country’s president. In the report, the liberals try to make people believe that their mandates have helped raise employee vaccination rates by more than “20 percentage points.” But in reality, these twisted dems are forcing just as many employees out of jobs… since these mandates are causing more unemployment. In the White House’s report, they said that…

The White House Wants to Vaccinate Our Children

White House Tells States to Prepare for COVID Vaccinations on Children. The White House officials don’t seem like they have any plans to stop their power play for full control. They’re insisting that the nation’s governors prepare vaccinations for children from ages 5-11. In a private meeting with the nation’s governors… The White House said they wanted to start vaccinating “elementary-school-aged kids.” They’re planning to implement this protocol in early November. The White House is more than ready with their new experiment. They informed the governors that they have “enough…

Politicized Science: Republicans lose faith in science

The science behind today’s COVID vaccines won’t fool our patriots… Republicans have grown “less confident” with today’s science. On the other hand, the dems seem to have more confidence than ever. A breakdown from a Gallup poll this July showed a comparison of our Americans’ confidence in science in 2021 and 1975. There were 45% of Republicans who said they have confidence in science in 2021; compared with 72% who felt that way in 1975 Among the dems, there were 79% who said they’re confident now; compared with 67% who…

White House Harasses International Travelers with their New Rules

White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients announced that they’re developing a “new system for international travel.” This includes robust mitigation procedures like “contact tracing.” Contact tracing aims to reach people who spent more than 15 minutes with an infected person. This procedure requires them to be quarantined for two weeks even if they test negative. However, only cities and states have reported its success.  This “new system for international travel” isn’t about the virus anymore. These twisted dems want to let everyone know that they are in control of…

Pelosi Called Kevin McCarthy a “Moron” Over House Mask Mandate Criticism

Dem House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disrespects Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for voicing his objection to the return of the forceful mask mandates on Capitol Hill… Dr. Brian Monohan is Congress’s top doctor. He issued a memo a few months ago that announced the policy change based on new guidance from the CDC. It implied that all  Americans should wear masks indoors, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. “For the Congress, representing a collection of individuals traveling weekly from various risk areas (both high and low rates of disease transmission), all…