Airlines Force Your Hand: Vaccination or Your Fired

Raimond Spekking, Crain’s Chicago Business, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International If you’ve tried getting on a plane in the last 5 months, then you’ll know how difficult it can be to navigate the airport as of late… Assuming your flight doesn’t get canceled at the last minute. U.S. Airlines have been under fire and in the media over the controversy of vaccine mandates among employees.  Two major U.S. lawmakers recently accused the White House of pressuring airlines into requiring their employees to be vaccinated against COVID by December 8th, or they would…

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Biden Ignores Our Patriot Leaders’ Concern for the Border Yet Again

It doesn’t look like the border crisis is high on Biden’s list of important issues; America shouldn’t expect to see changes made anytime soon. Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte just visited the US-Mexico border this October… and it was not his first time staying there! He’s one of our dedicated Republican leaders committed to stopping illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. Gianforte recorded a video of himself at work to provoke the White House and mock Biden’s incompetence as a leader. “I’m here at the Southern Border. Right here where…

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Facebook Wants to Protect Public Figures… Except for Republicans

Public figures will now get better protection from Facebook on all its platforms. In an update to its bullying and harassment policies, the Tech giant – Recently rebranded as META – announced the removal of content that targets public figures. This includes politicians, celebrities, and those “who have become famous involuntarily.”  Are the dems just working with META to blame the Republicans for all their schemes? Is this another one of Facebook’s schemes to censor our conservative voice? Facebook’s Head of Global Security Antigone Davis, mentioned that this movement is…

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The White House Wants to Vaccinate Our Children

White House Tells States to Prepare for COVID Vaccinations on Children. The White House officials don’t seem like they have any plans to stop their power play for full control. They’re insisting that the nation’s governors prepare vaccinations for children from ages 5-11. In a private meeting with the nation’s governors… The White House said they wanted to start vaccinating “elementary-school-aged kids.” They’re planning to implement this protocol in early November. The White House is more than ready with their new experiment. They informed the governors that they have “enough…

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Gun Control is All About “Culture Wars”

Gun control is not about “gun crime” anymore. Instead, it’s all about “gun culture.”  The twisted dems continue to make anti-gun laws. They pretend that this is all part of their agenda to reduce crime rates…  But in reality, they’re using this as an opportunity to stifle what they might call “Republican culture” in American society. The dems want to create an anti-gun society, and they’re using gun control as a tool to do it. We all know that criminals don’t follow laws.. so the only people who will obey…

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