America: the land of shortages and scarcity

Over the last few months, the American economy has transformed into a land of scarcity. Product shortages are on the rise, the price for basic goods is soaring, supply chains are in shambles… and the Biden Administration seems to have their eyes shut and backs turned on the matter.  White House press secretary Jen Psaki cracked a joke Tuesday about the supply chain crisis affecting businesses and consumers across the country, saying it’s a “tragedy” some people may have to wait longer for their treadmill to arrive. “The tragedy of…

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Biden May Owe Up to $500,000 in Back Taxes

A few months ago, Biden encouraged Americans to pay their fair share of taxes. Now, that demo-rat is said to owe hundreds of thousands in back taxes. What a hypocrite… According to a Congressional Research Service report, Biden may have improperly avoided paying Medicare taxes… even before he took office. It’s suspected that he could owe the IRS up to $500,000. Chair of the conservative Republican Study Committee, Jim Banks, further exposed Biden. He said, “Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $2.1 trillion while claiming the rich need to…

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The IRS wants the OK to snoop around in your bank accounts

A Biden administration proposal to hand Americans’ bank access over to the Internal Revenue Service is “absolutely ridiculous” and a “gross invasion of privacy.” said Rep. Kustoff, R-Tenn. Biden’s plan in part is to propose higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy, to help pay for his highly unrealistic and ambitious $3.5 trillion Build Back Better plan. Aside from taxing the rich, he wants the IRS to crack down on collecting the taxes that are already owed. This is where his plans get fishy… Biden proposed giving the IRS more…

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The Biden Affect – America Welcomes the Highest Inflation Rates in 13 years

Internet reacts to brutal new economic data: “not what the white house wants to see” Recent economic data has been released that shows U.S. Inflation has the highest rate its ever been in 13 years…  Naturally, everyone is blaming Biden, and for good measure. This information was provided by the Washington Post Economic correspondent Heather Long, who also tweeted the data with a breakdown of the percentage change in [Consumer Price Index] for all urban consumers.  BREAKING: Inflation was up 5.4% over last year in September – the highest rate…

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White House Harasses International Travelers with their New Rules

White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients announced that they’re developing a “new system for international travel.” This includes robust mitigation procedures like “contact tracing.” Contact tracing aims to reach people who spent more than 15 minutes with an infected person. This procedure requires them to be quarantined for two weeks even if they test negative. However, only cities and states have reported its success.  This “new system for international travel” isn’t about the virus anymore. These twisted dems want to let everyone know that they are in control of…

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