‘Person’ of the Year???

In a move as obviously biased as Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, Time Magazine just declared their Man of the Year.

Despite the award being for the person who ‘has done the most to influence the events of the year’, the magazine decided to, yet again, ignore the basis for the award.

Instead, they’ve given it to the worst possible recipients… Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Let’s be realistic. Biden spent the last few months hiding, and is still almost nowhere to be seen. 

He’s done nothing to make any real difference, hasn’t lifted a finger to help Americans, while President Trump has offered billions through the stimulus, Operation Warp Speed and more. 

Time seems to know just how bad a pick Biden would be by himself. While adding Harris to the award doesn’t change the fact that they’ve just given it to an underachieving loser, it lets them pretend that they’re being progressive instead of biased…

Who could possibly think that Biden and Harris have done more to change the world than President Trump? 

Even liberals know how stupid an idea the award was this year. As we’ve said before, barely any of them actually like Biden, and they’re just going to start hating him more and more across the next few years.

The entire point of the dem ticket this year was to pretend that Biden didn’t exist. He’s an embarrassing, broken-down old man who barely knows where he is on any given day (like so many dems – heard about Dianne Feinstein’s apparent dementia?).

They’ve got to bring up Harris every single time Biden gets mentioned. They know he’s not capable of governing, so they’ve got to keep on focusing on someone who isn’t as obviously unable.

Really, the award for Man of the Year isn’t the most important part of the story…

It’s just another thing that proves how biased the media are in favor of dems, and shows you exactly how they’re going to keep on pretending that Biden’s fine, while he visibly deteriorates more and more each day. 

Let me put it this way… 

Back in 2016, when Donald Trump proved the media and dem establishment wrong by taking home the election, he rightly won Man of the Year. 

They didn’t have to give the award to Pence as well – because Trump made an actual difference, and didn’t need a shield to deflect any criticism.

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