Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduced Bill to Repeal the Liberal’s Gun Control Law

The liberals are always trying to take away our gun rights. They use their power to strip us of our Second Amendment rights. Well, we’re not going to let them get away with it. We’re going to fight for our right to bear arms!

These twisted dems are going too far with their legislation and they’re taking away our freedom. We need to stand up and fight for our Second Amendment rights. We can’t let the government take away our ability to protect ourselves.

These dems must be stopped. They are using the law to kill the Republican culture… and we can’t let them get away with this. We must stand up to them and fight for what is right.

Republicans Fight For Gun Rights

Rep. Lauren Boebert introduced a bill to repeal the liberal’s gun control law. The patriot leader proposed the “Shall Not Be Infringed Act.” If passed, it would eliminate the red flag laws and new measures in the dems’ “Safer Communities Act.”

The dems created the “Safer Communities Act” in response to the series of mass shooting incidents. This includes events that happened in New York and Texas.

Boebert clarified that Republicans are supporting the liberal “Safer Communities Act.” The patriot leader expressed her disbelief to them. She said on Newsmax, “This poorly written law was negotiated behind closed doors… by a small group of Senate RINOs [Republicans in name only]. These people do not reflect the interests and values of the American people.”

She added, “Rather than building security and allowing resources to be spent on training and staffing schools with more armed personnel… this bill seeks to bribe states with promises of Washington money. [Specifically] for adopting red-flag gun seizure laws.”

Moreover, the Mississippi Board of Education voted to remove the prohibition of carrying legal guns in public schools. The board members cited the state’s 2011 enhanced-carry law. 

Mississippi education official Erin Meyer told the Free Press that the board was simply complying with state law. He said, ”We’ve been reviewing a host of policies. In the past six months, there’s been about 30 that have been revised.”

Then he added, ”For example, we just repealed a couple of charter school policies that were in place before the 2013 charter school law… so sometimes it just takes a while.”

Federal “Ghost Gun” Regulations Take Effect

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives confirmed that its new rules for so-called “ghost guns” have gone into effect.

The regulations designate gun kits as firearms. Moreover, it brings new rules for manufacturers and sellers. For the ruling, guns are made from parts kits that can be converted into functional weapons.

Newsmax reported the other ghost-gun requirements within the ATF’s purview to include:

  • Retailers must run background checks before selling parts kits that could be assembled as guns.
  • Frames and receivers must now be marked with a serial number.
  • Gun retailers and gunsmiths must attach a serial number to guns created on 3D printers… or any nonserialized firearms that can be purchased or resold.

The liberals may be active in stopping us from getting our freedoms. However, our patriot leaders will continue to fight for what they believe. We will always be here to support them along the way.

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