Congress Can Stop Big Tech From Censoring Conservative News

According to Pew Research, around 86% of Americans say that they consume their news on their electronic devices. Specifically their phone, computer, and tablet. The days you get your newspaper delivered by a guy on a bike are long gone. Nowadays, your news is delivered to you by Big Tech billionaires who control what we see. They suppress all the articles and videos they don’t like and even make money out of them. The two dominant players in the news game are Google and Facebook. However, neither of these two…

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Dems Working With Big Tech to Destroy America

JD Vance / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / April 17, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 / The dems and Big Tech always do everything to keep our conservative opinion censored. They never give us a fair fight… making sure they always have the advantage. They manipulate the truth to make out patriots look bad. We’ve seen how: Facebook and Twitter suspended President Trump’s accounts Youtube deactivated two conservative channels Youtube removed the visibility of the number of dislikes Amazon invaded our privacy with Amazon Sidewalk and Amazon Key The liberals’…

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Youtube Censorship Going Too Far?

YouTube logo / Rego Korosi / Flickr / April 1, 2010 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The conservative party has always had problems with Big Tech. These companies take advantage of their power to censor our patriot’s opinions, making us look like the bad guys while hiding all the liberals’ accidents. We’ve seen several Big Tech companies ban President Trump: Facebook suspends him until 2023 Twitter gave him a permanent suspension Alphabet Inc’s Youtube suspended his channel last January 2021 Not long ago, Republican Senator Marco Rubio called out Youtube for…

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