Biden Administration Sued By Energy Groups for Recent Decisions on Energy

Joe Biden is the one to blame for our energy crisis. Under President Trump, the US was an energy-independent powerhouse.  But with one swift stroke of Biden’s pen, that has all been thrown away. We are again faced with a looming dark cloud of energy reliance on foreign nations.  Energy Groups Sue Biden Administration Two big energy groups filed a lawsuit against the administration. Namely, they are: The Western Energy Alliance The Petroleum Association of Wyoming  It alleges that the Biden administration has failed to comply with federal law, which…

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How the GOP will Take Charge of the Energy Crisis

As the dems begin to push their radical green agenda… Republicans are preparing to fight back. Biden and his allies want to overhaul the way America uses energy drastically. Meanwhile, our patriots aren’t going just to sit back and let them do it. Republicans to Battle Biden’s Radical Green Agenda House Republicans are preparing to pursue an aggressive plan to fight Biden’s climate agenda through legislation and investigations over administration policymaking… when they assume majority control early next year. The Republicans said they would aim to:  Unleash American energy Hold…

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America Continues to Lose its Energy Independence Under Biden

Biden’s energy policies are just for show. He doesn’t care about actually solving the problem. His only goal is to make himself look good. It’s time for a president who understands the seriousness of the energy crisis. One who is willing to take bold action, and that’s not Joe Biden. European Leaders Rethink Their Energy Policies Because of Biden According to Fox News, Biden’s energy policies are hurting the US and Europe. The current crisis even made European leaders rethink their energy policies. We remember how: The OPEC announced cutting…

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US Oil Industry Slams Biden for Ruining the Energy Industry

The energy crisis is continuing to get worse under Joe Biden. We need a leader who understands the importance of energy independence and will take the necessary steps to solve this crisis. Fuel prices are through the roof, and there’s no end. Biden said he would alleviate the energy crisis, but there has not been any positive change since he took office. We can’t afford to keep going down this path. OPEC Announces Oil Cuts In March, Biden promised to release 1 million barrels of oil daily. This is to…

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Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Support Dem’s Climate Agenda and Tax Hikes

Sen. Joe Manchin may be a Democrat. But he isn’t afraid to oppose his party’s politically motivated agenda… and that’s a good thing. It shows that he’s not just blindly following the far left. He’s willing to stand up for his beliefs, even if it means going against his party. The fact that he is willing to go against his party shows that he is an independent thinker. He is someone who puts the needs of his constituents first.  Manchin is a man of integrity. He knows his state and…

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