Biden’s Climate Change Policies Causes Energy Prices to Go Up

Biden continues to destroy America’s national energy. If he continues with his current policies, we’ll have to depend on other countries for our energy in a few years. He’s ruining our economy and destroying thousands of jobs in the process. Gas prices have continued to increase since Biden became president. Some people blame him for the rising costs. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely clear what he should do to bring them. It’s something that’s been bothering many people lately. Biden’s Actions on Climate Change Causes Gas and Electricity Prices to Go…

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The White House Appointed the Wrong Press Secretary AGAIN

The new White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is still doing a terrible job. She’s been a complete disaster. Everyone knows she lacks any competence or capability to handle the press. The only thing Jean-Pierre is good at is spinning the President’s lies. She’s no different than her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. Many people are surprised that she was given the job. We remember Jean-Pierre blabbering about being the “first black, gay and immigrant woman” to hold the title. We’ve proven that being “competent” is much more needed than “being first.”…

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Gas Prices Continue to Worsen

President Trump built everything up so well during his time. After his term ended, America was thrown into chaos. Gas prices are rising, and our economy is in bad shape!   The current administration is leading us to further economic failure. With Joe Biden’s weak leadership, we’re heading towards more inflation. Biden inherited a healthy economy. Our country was energy independent and was exporting a lot. But when he became president, these things quickly disappeared. The administration implemented terrible plans that increased inflation all around us. It is not surprising why…

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New WH Press Secretary Not Doing Well in the First Month

The White House has become more corrupt in the past few years because Nancy Pelosi kept manipulating the facts with her lies. We’ve seen her: Use the stock market’s confidential information for her own benefit Use Covid-19 as an excuse so she wouldn’t be pressed about Hunter Biden’s laptop Call the Republicans a “cult” during a visit to England Force vaccine and mask mandates for Americans Pelosi stepped down as White House Press Secretary last month. Unfortunately, the person who replaced her is just as bad as she was. There’s…

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America’s Economy is Dying Under Biden

Stock market buy sell recommendations / / Flickr / May 18, 2018 / CC BY-ND 2.0 Ever since Biden became president, our economy has been very unstable. We’ve seen: Consumer prices rise by 7% in January – the fastest increase in 40 years The dems wasted $1.5 trillion on unnecessary domestic programs Biden removed America’s energy independence The administration wasted federal funds for Covid mass testing and vaccines Harris threw away $25 million to manipulate voting laws The liberal’s plan of canceling student debt loans These are some reasons…

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