The White House Appointed the Wrong Press Secretary AGAIN

The new White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, is still doing a terrible job. She’s been a complete disaster. Everyone knows she lacks any competence or capability to handle the press. The only thing Jean-Pierre is good at is spinning the President’s lies. She’s no different than her predecessor, Nancy Pelosi. Many people are surprised that she was given the job. We remember Jean-Pierre blabbering about being the “first black, gay and immigrant woman” to hold the title. We’ve proven that being “competent” is much more needed than “being first.”…

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Patriot Leaders to Prioritize Securing the Border

When Biden took office in January 2021… he promised to transform how the US treated asylum seekers. He vowed to restore humanitarian protection. However, we’re still not seeing any results from his administration. Biden never really cared for our borders ever since he became president. He didn’t bother continuing President Trump’s efforts to solve the crisis. Instead, the demo-rat only did the opposite of what Trump did during his term. The border crisis is one of the biggest issues America is facing. Unfortunately, it continues to get worse because of…

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Biden’s Incompetence Is Causing The US to Drift Apart From China

The US and China continue to drift apart. This is because the Biden administration isn’t improving the relationship between the two countries. The Trump administration was able to make progress… but the current administration has not been able to maintain that momentum. As the two countries clash, the risk of a significant conflict erupts. We’ve seen: The possibility of China preparing missiles for the US Navy in Guam Biden meddling  with China’s human rights issues How US and China considered separating their technological resources from one another The US has…

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Biden’s Leadership Has Caused Inflation to Worsen

The Biden administration’s handling of inflation has been disastrous. Prices are soaring, and the economy is suffering as a result. Inflation rates have continued to climb since Biden took office. Some of its causes are from the current administration, specifically with: Their excessive spending They led us to a food shortage Them taking away our energy independence Prices are spiraling out of control. This is especially difficult for families who are struggling to make ends meet. Things are only going to get harder for working families…. especially if the government…

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Title 42 Removal Will Lead to a Migrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, USA / World Travel & Tourism Council / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 The Biden administration has been a disaster when it comes to immigration. Their inability to deal with this issue is one of America’s worst failures. Our country has been struggling to fix our borders since Biden took office. The immigration crisis is getting worse as time goes on. Despite the great start that President Trump left behind for Biden… the demo-rat still didn’t take his advocacy seriously.  Biden’s pride stops him…

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