Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Declines Request from House Oversight Committee

The House Oversight and Accountability requested Hunter Biden’s records and information. Specifically about his family’s business dealings. However, Hunter Biden’s attorney declined that request. Now it’s more apparent that they’re hiding something. Hunter Biden Rejects House Oversight Request for Records Atty. Abbe David Lowell characterized the proposal as lacking a legislative purpose. He proposed a meeting between the committee members and Hunter Biden… to determine if he has any information relevant to a legitimate legislative purpose. Lowell also stated that the committee’s jurisdiction to investigate private citizens is limited. The…

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FBI, DOJ, and Biden Administration Block Evidence Against Hunter Biden

The FBI, the DOJ, and the administration have protected Hunter Biden from facing any consequences for his illegal activities.  They allow privileged criminals like Hunter Biden to escape justice… while average citizens are expected to adhere to our nation’s laws. It’s unfair that they stand by while someone in power gets away with such atrocities.  This blatant misuse of privilege must come to an end! We need a just system where everyone involved is held accountable for their actions. Their last name shouldn’t matter at all. The American people wouldn’t…

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Karine Jean-Pierre Lies for Joe and Hunter Biden

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is nothing but a liar. She’s constantly trying to cover up for the dems’ unethical acts.  This is something that conservatives can’t stand for. We need a press secretary who tells the truth, not someone who lies to protect her party’s diluted image. Jean-Pierre Lies About Joe Biden Visiting the Border Karine Jean-Pierre was called a liar after claiming Biden had visited the border… even if everyone knows he never did. A reporter from Fox News brought up the subject during the White House…

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Hunter Biden’s Email Scandal Just Got Worse

Hunter Biden said he wants to introduce his business associates to a top Chinese Communist Party official. Fox reported that they are planning to discuss potential investments… and to continue an urgent discussion from a dinner in Beijing a few years ago. The news outlet recovered suspicious emails from Hunter Biden. It underscores the extent to which the demo-rat was willing to use his political connections… to aid his business associates in their pursuit of business in China.  Hunter Biden to Introduce Business Partners to Top CCP Official James Bulger,…

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Hunter Biden Caught Violating Foreign Lobbying Law

Hunter Biden just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. The latest allegations against him are a long string of crimes that he’s been accused of. Whether it’s influence peddling, money laundering, or drug use… the POTUS’ son seems constantly entangled in some sort of criminal activity.  While Hunter Biden has not been formally charged with a crime, many believe he is guilty of criminal activity. Some think that he is using his influence to avoid being charged. In reality, he is a criminal who gets away with everything. We’ve…

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