Biden Gets Sidetracked AGAIN With Handling Inflation

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / August 8, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0 The Biden administration continues to make Americans suffer for their incompetence. They’re terrible at everything they do… especially with the handling the federal budget. America continues to feel the inflation caused by the administration. We’ve seen: How we started the year with a 7% rise in consumer prices – the highest we got in 40 years Biden led America to a food shortage Our country lost its energy independence The administration wasted $1.5 trillion on…

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Dems Waste $1.5 Trillion for Unnecessary Domestic Programs

White House / Tom Lohdan / Flickr / December 25, 2009 / CC BY 2.0 The administration continues to ruin our country with the inflation it caused. Since last year, the dems seated in power didn’t focus on managing inflation. Instead, we’ve seen them: Wasted federal funds for Covid mass testing and vaccines Spent trillions of dollars on the infrastructure bill Throw away $25 million for manipulating voting laws As a result of their incompetence, we started 2022 with consumer prices going up by 7%. It was the fastest increase…

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