The Biden Administration Removes FARC from Terrorist Organization List

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore/ Flickr / August 21, 2019 / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Biden administration announced that they would remove FARC (Revolutionary Forces of Colombia) from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

FARC is the Spanish acronym for Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. The organization was established in 1964. They’re one of Colombia’s most influential and notorious rebel groups.

The US and the European Union listed FARC as a “terrorist group” in 1997; Colombian officials also refer to the group as “a terrorist organization” or a “criminal band.” 

This is the kind of group the liberals worship. They make up to 600 million dollars a year in profits from:

  • Drug trafficking
  • Kidnapping
  • Extortion
  • Unofficial taxes

Some dems favor the administration’s decision for FARC… and they shared their thoughts.

“The Department of State is revoking the designations of the Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC)… as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FT),” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

He also added that the organization “no longer exists as a unified organization that engages in terrorism… or terrorist activity or has the capability or intent to do so.”

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine believes that there’s nothing wrong with the administration’s move. He said, “I think the decision to remove FARC after five years of participating in a new life, in a new chapter in Colombian life… it’s the right thing to do and I just wanted to start there.”

These liberals have the same expertise as movie actors. They look and sound good and lie for a living… while making it all look believable.

Fortunately, our patriot leaders are here to lead us to the truth. They’re always willing to expose the administration’s true intentions.

Governor Ron DeSantis exposed the administration’s decision to remove FARC from terrorist organizations. He said, “Joe Biden’s decision to legitimize the Marxist terror group FARC… paves the way for Castrochavismo in Colombia and is a slap in the face to Colombian-Americans.”

Then he added, “From his support of FARC, to his failure to assist those seeking freedom in Cuba. Joe Biden and his Democrat party have consistently sided with Marxist elements throughout the Western Hemisphere.”

Senator Marco Rubio also released a statement and shared his unbiased remarks. He said, “Colombia has endured decades of pain and suffering… because of the vicious terrorist attacks spearheaded by the FARC.”

Rubio added, “The Biden Administration’s decision to remove the FARC from the Foreign Terrorist Organization list risks emboldening narcoterrorists and the regimes that sponsor them throughout our region. Congress must hold hearings on this decision to examine what it means for stability in the hemisphere… as well as U.S. and Colombian security interests.”

From the looks of it, the dems are supporting anyone who will help them destroy this country. It’s also possible that they want to make the country ungovernable… so they can install a one-party authoritarian regime. This is a classic Marxist move.

Right now, the liberals are sponsoring state terrorism against true American citizens. The best we can do right now is to support our patriot leaders in fighting the twisted dems…

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