The Real Reason for the Texas Blackout

With Texas still almost completely blacked out and freezing, the questions are mounting quickly.

And so are the excuses…

Here’s what really caused the Texas blackouts – and why the media won’t tell you the truth.

It’s been days since power blackouts started across Texas, leaving millions in the Lone Star state stranded without power or heating in one of the coldest periods on record…

People want answers… how could something like this happen in a great state like Texas, let alone any part of the USA?

Unfortunately, all they’re getting from the media is false excuses and lies… even more than usual.

Right now, it’s estimated that a shocking 4 million houses across Texas are powerless, while temperatures have plummeted to sub-zero degrees thanks to a completely unexpected winter storm.

If you listen to the news, you’ll have heard any number of explanations for the blackouts… they’re almost all wrong.

It’s not just because of the weather… states like Alaska have to deal with even colder temperatures, and still manage to keep up the power year round…

It’s not even because of the extra demand… we live in the 21st century, in the richest country on earth. We’ve built systems that should be able to accommodate for any increased demand.

And the idea that it’s because of wind power just doesn’t make sense. Texas isn’t California… with most of the power outages coming from natural gas suppliers, the wind is just a convenient excuse for people who don’t want to face facts. 

The fact is, there’s really just one core reason why the lights are out across Texas…


By lining the pockets of those in charge, power companies have been able to get away with not doing anything to future-proof, to prevent events like this week’s blackouts. 

And right now, the people of Texas are the only ones paying the price.

It’s time to demand a change, to fight back against those turning major profits by leaving the American people to freeze…

Before it’s too late.

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