The Real Virus is Biden

A few months ago, Biden declared his goal of getting 70% of Americans partially vaccinated in the coming months…

However, this empty promise is now collapsing faster than Biden on a staircase. Now, he’s shown that he’s more of a hypocrite than a true leader who really walks the walk.

America is facing some major risks related to COVID right now:

  • Our unvaccinated healthcare workers still don’t have the protection they deserve
  • Unvaccinated illegal migrants are going in and out across our country
  • The rising number of cases due to the delta variant

Biden is putting politics ahead of tackling the REAL problems in front of him.

Despite the crisis happening, the Biden administration is banning foreign travelers from many countries… even if they’re fully vaccinated. However, they’re fine with letting thousands of unvaccinated foreigners go across the Rio Grande to illegally enter the US through the Southern border.

Texas Rep. Babin – during an interview on Spencer & Co. – exposed Biden’s hypocrisy. He said that Biden gave plane tickets to illegal immigrants who have COVID to go to the US freely. On the other hand, the members of Congress have to “mask up” and go into “seclusion” again.

Here’s Biden’s demo-rat agenda being displayed publicly. It seems that he cares more about helping illegals than our American citizens.

There’s a high chance that Biden’s incompetent leadership is the reason why he didn’t manage the delta variant properly. Now our COVID cases are skyrocketing in all 50 states across the US.

In the last week of July, the US reported an average of 43,700 new cases per day. Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, and Nevada reported the highest daily average of new cases.

Now, Biden wants us to wear our masks again…

For Conservative Rep. Fred Keller, the Biden administration only uses mask mandates to show that the dems are in control. They’re using this as an excuse to cover up their mistakes and incompetence.

He said, “They really don’t want to talk about their policies that have inflicted runaway inflation, the high-cost energy, [and] the fact that people aren’t able to get back to work.” Then he added, “They don’t want to talk about what a disaster their policies have created on our southern border, allowing people to come into our country. [They] spread COVID all over our country.”

It seems that Biden and the dems are using the mask mandates to make it look like they care… even if they don’t. They’re becoming less credible and more hypocritical. And this is enough to trigger some of our Patriot leaders.

Rep. Chip Roy shared his unbiased thoughts in a hearing. His speech received a standing ovation from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

He said, “We have a crisis at our border, and we’re playing footsie with mask mandates in the people’s House? This institution is a sham, and we should adjourn and shut this place down.”

Unfortunately, most of Roy’s colleagues were less receptive. They rejected his motion to adjourn with 216 votes that disagreed.

After seeing the efforts of our Republican leaders against Biden and the dems, one thing is now clear… We won’t break free from COVID unless we do something about the administration’s hypocrisy.

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21 Thoughts to “The Real Virus is Biden”

  1. James Hutchins

    Impeach the Human Tater Tot biden and the Bimbo harris for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution.

    1. Doloes

      AS far as I’m concerned, the democrats are the enemy of the people!!

  2. martin smith lll

    correction, soetoro-biden are the real virus!

  3. Donald Turnes

    When is the Biden administration going to test the unvaccinated people to see how
    many have had Covid-19 . Making it unnecessary for vaccinations. Our immune
    System is doing its job

  4. Tabby

    Your right. Biden is the virus and I’ve seen captions saying bidens worse day yet. He hasn’t had a good one yet. Need to get him, Harris & pelosicck out of office. They, among others, although those three are the worst hate America & our freedoms. And as for arnold Schwarzenegger and his comment about the vaccine and our freedoms. Your comment back at you. As far as I’m concerned you use to be actor ( I didn’t like you and you movies anyway) good riddens you rino

  5. Michael Phillips

    I really do wish the hell you people wouldn’t listen to Donald Trump and took out Facebook too because Facebook kick me off me and my friends told you and told you and only thing you guys could tell me was fighting one no Biden did not win and you guys know it she we had to go this far well there’s no turning back when you should have listened men so I’m blaming you people to just as much as you guys are blaming fighting right now cuz how many of you people told us that biting when fighting one he did not win and how many times do we tell you you’re going to destroy it rusal here we are I wish the hell you people would listen then but don’t know you stubborn sons of b****** now look at us

    1. Vince

      Michael, if, you used ‘Punctuation’, people JUST MIGHT UNDERSTAND what, the HECK YOU ARE SAYING!!!!

  6. James Richards

    Round Them Up and Kill Them All!

  7. Barbara B. Larpenter

    Biden is a really sick individual. He needs to be taken
    out of office before he gets us all killed.
    Like I said once before, I think he has the same
    problem Hunter has and that is past drug use.
    You would think the Justice Department would have investigated Hunter by now but I guess they are
    not concerned about theft when the person is high on the top of Government and President at that
    with a son who left to go overseas and came back
    with all that money. Too much to expose let’s just
    keep it all wrapped up tight for as long as we can
    and maybe, just maybe it will all go away.

    You gotta wonder though had it been Trump and his son that did what Biden and Hunter did would the Justice Dept and FBI still be sitting in their office with one finger up their noses and the other in their yes sir re or would Donald Trump Sr. and Jr. have been indicted or in jail?

    One day, he is fine and the next he doesn’t know where he is. THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM!
    Then he has the nerve to bash Trump. What a
    hypocrite and a liar.

    Go home Joe and take Hunter and your wife too.
    You really lost the election/selection and you had
    the rabbit azz nerve to say you won. I hate LOSERS AND YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LOSER I HAVE EVER

  8. Earl

    biden and harris are murderers

  9. Tom

    No. The real virus isn’t Biden; he’s just the carrier, like Typhoid Mary. The virus he’s carrying is his handlers. We keep attacking Biden and ignore those behind him who continue merrily destroying our Nation. We need to attack the virus–then Biden won’t matter.

  10. Chris Allen

    My hope and prayer is that God will intervene and put America on the right path. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except by ME! Wake up America, God is patient.. Read your Bible! Repent and be saved!

  11. Anthony gaffino

    This illegal so called joker of a president was put in office by his masters in china and the big corporations who benefit from sll this nonsense. The stole the election and arr a laughing stock of tbe world. The man is a disgrace like most democrats amd some republicans

  12. Michael Galvis

    Biden administration is the worst ourCountry has ever had!!

  13. Yvonne King

    Biden is a total idiot that knows nothing about running a country. All he sees is control over everyone and we are falling for this BS. Can we wake up already!!

    We are going to Hell in a hand basket!! Impeach and remove these traitors before it is too late!

  14. Wes

    Unfortunately, the real misinformation is from CNN, MSNBC, Biden, Harris, Dr. Fauci, Pelosi, Schumer, Yellen, Milley, Austin, The Squad, and others we already know. They are the supremacists that are trying to punish anyone that doesn’t want to follow them to hell. No thanks. I would rather follow the truth and help people as God says to do. In Jesus Name. Violence is stupid and weak.

  15. Kenneth D Bailey

    If the republican party doesn’t put a stop to these criminals, then eventually the pissed off American people will start cleaning house of all of them.

  16. Preston

    The problem is that people don’t understand the total picture of what the Communist/globalist Democrats and left are doing to America. They are out to destroy everything and turn America into a communist dictatorship. They use ANTIFA and BLM Terrorist like Hitler used the Brown Shirts. They operate with impunity. They have occupied several public buildings for years. They destroy buildings, statues (our history), they intimidate citizens and assault them and Police. They don’t enforce our laws and provide illegals with free education, healthcare, lawyers, housing and food. All at the expense of taxpayers. People like Garland and General Milley have been brainwashing our children and military with CRT, a Marxist propaganda doctrine. They alone w Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer should all be tried for treason. The teachers Unions, principals and teachers of schools that are teaching CRT and LBGT materials to our children need to be fired immediately. All the attorneys generals and prosecutors who are releasing the illegals and Criminals (especially BLZm and ANTIFA terrorist) all need to be debarred and removed from their jobs. The Communist Democrats have attacked our freedom of speech and Religion along with our 2nd amendment rights. Exactly what all dictators do before they take complete control of their country. America is well under way to becoming another Venezuela.

  17. Donald

    What we have today is many high ranking political people, agencies, news sources and big tech all leading the charge of misinformation and often lies about Covid, mRNA vaccines and mask wearing.

    Concerning Covid there are facts that science knew within a few months after the first case was found in the USA and mire that were proven scientifically over the first year.
    1. For the majority of people covid was less dangerous than the annual flu.
    2. For people over the age of 70 and people who had comorbitities the danger was very high.
    3. Children 18 and younger were 5 times less likely to die from Covid than the annual flu. (Schools never should have been closed or have vaccine mandates) and those 27 and younger were 4 times less likely to die from Covid than the annual flu (colleges should never have been closed or have vaccine mandates and the military should never of hade vaccine nandates).
    4. Covid was spread by aerosol transmission with the virus droplets too small to be blocked by cloth N95 or surgical masks and are useless in stopping the spread of Covid or any virus spread by the aerosol method. Masks never should have been mandated. Had anyone checked with the Infectious Disease Department of any Hospital the day before Covid appeared they would all have told you that it was common knowledge in medicine for decades that these masks do not stop the spread of aerosolized viruses. The lie that they offer protection is still being spread today.

    Concerning the mRNA vaccines there are many facts that have been scientifically proved since their approval for Emergency Use. Making one wonder why dead virus vaccines were not developed for use in this country.
    1. Science and experience have proved that the mRNA vaccines offer very little protection from catching or spreading Covid.
    2. The law regarding Emergency Use Drug Aporovals requires two important rules. First that the recipient MUST REQUEST THEM. Secondly the recipient must be advised of the value of the drug as well as possible adverse reactions so the recipient can make what is termed as ADVISED CONSENT. Based on this all mandates that require people to take the mRNA vaccines are ILLEGAL and very possibly UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
    3. Adverse Reaction to the mRNA vaccines, including death and long term disabilities are now over 1,000 times more frequent than would normally require a drug or vaccine to be pulled from the market. (10’s of thousands deaths so far and 100’s of thousands of long term disabilitues)
    4. Pfyzer lied on its application for Emergency Use to the FDA by hiding the number and kind of adverse reactions the mRNA vaccines cause as well as lieing when stating that these vaccines do not alter DNA because we now know that they do.
    5. Based on risk Covid has and to what age group these vaccines never should have been mandated on anyone, especially not school, college and military age citizens. Again, it is illegal to mandate them anyway.
    6. Now the FDA has approved the Emergency Use of these vaccines to children under 5 years old as well as a 4th dose to everyone WITHOUT ONE SENTENCE OF DESCRIPTION BY PROVIDERS OF EFFICACY, ADVERSE REACTIONS OR NECESSITY. This is totally against the FDA’s own regulations and is illegal.

    Also, concerning treatments for Covid. All the oracle abd agencies mentioned int the opening are also guilty of misinformation and outright lies about the effectiveness of against Covid of Ivermectin abd Hydroxyquinolone. Regarding Ivermectin and it being characterized as a “horse pill” or only being effective against parasites, science knows better! Ivermectin just a few years ago won the Nobel Prize for its effectivness as an antiviral noting it has saved over 2 million people from blindness and death. There have also been over 25 double blind studies of Ivermectin and its effectivness in combating Covid tha ALL SHOWED EFFECTIVNESS. The U. S. Army also completed their studies on Ivermectin use and reported that IVERMECTIN IS EFFECTIVE UN CINTROLLING COVID AT ALL STAGES OF THE DISEASE making Ivermectin much more useful in treating Covid than the recently approved Pfyzer drug at a fraction of the cost.

    Why all the misinformation, misdirection and mandates that have been unscientificly been forced on the citizens of this country. Conspiracy theories abound, but truly we have been lied to and our bodies violated by government, it’s agencies as well as by mass media and big tech.

  18. Jerry

    I agree with all the comments!!!!

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