The Respect for Marriage Act Goes to Biden’s Desk After Passing House

The left is a few steps closer to legalizing the Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA). The bill aims to allow same-sex with a large celebration on the South Lawn of the White House.

Dems Want to Approve Same-Sex Marriage Bill

The House of Representatives passed the RFMA. The legislation is also a response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the right to abortion. The RFMA is expected to:

  • Protect same-sex marriage from a Supreme Court challenge
  • Require all states to recognize valid marriages,
  • Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Protect interracial marriage
  • Reaffirm religious freedom

Beyond same-sex marriage, the RFMA broadly sets out to defend the right to marriage. Moreover, it wraps in protections for interracial marriage.

RFMA Passes the House and Heads to Biden’s Desk

The Respect for Marriage Act was passed by the House 258-169 this December. The bill will require the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages performed in states… where they are legal. 

Supporters of the bill hailed it as a safety net in the event the Supreme Court reverses a ruling… that says the Constitution guarantees the right of same-sex couples to get married.

“This legislation is the latest step in House Democrats’ fight to win full equality for LGBTQ Americans. [It aims to] forge a more perfect union that our children, and their children. All of our children deserve [this],” outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi said from the House floor. 

“I find it deeply poignant, that as we prepare to bring the 117th Congress to a close. We are on the cusp of a great bipartisan moral victory in defense of a fundamental right of all Americans. This will be a victory that will provide stability and reassurance to the millions of LGBTQ… and interracial families that have come to rely on the constitutional right to marry,” added House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler.

It now heads to President Biden’s desk for signature into law…

“Today, Congress took a critical step to ensure that Americans have the right to marry the person they love,” Biden said in a statement after the House passed the RFMA.

Biden added, “While we are one step closer on our long journey to build a perfect union. We must never stop fighting for full equality for LGBTQI+ Americans and all Americans.”

Despite warnings from Republicans that the bill doesn’t do enough to protect religious liberty… 39 House Republicans voted for the bill.

However, we should keep in mind that marriage is between a man and a woman. What Congress did doesn’t change that fact ever.

Many of our patriots probably feel the same way. Even in the ultra Liberal State of California, the majority of the citizens voted against same-sex marriage.

Marriage should be a religious thing only. The government should not care about your marriage at all. There should be no tax breaks or anything pro-marriage or anti-marriage at any level of government.

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